Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .General IRC Meeting 2009-10-07
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
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Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Meetings > General IRC Meetings > General IRC Meetings 2009
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
The next general IRC meeting will be held on #koha on 7 October 2009 at 10:00 UTC+0 web time converter another time converter)
- Update on Roadmap to 3.2
- Update on Roadmap to 3.0
- Review Wiki Relicensing Ballot
- Follow-up on actions from General IRC Meeting, 2 September 2009
- Koha Tutorials
- Bugzilla default assignees and maintenance
- Mysql Schema Documentation
- Follow-up on actions from Foundation Forming IRC Meeting, 15 September 2009
- Agree times of next meetings: Foundation-forming 19 UTC 29 October 2009; General 19 UTC 4 November 2009
- gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, release manager, Equinox
- slef = MJ Ray, member, software.coop
- nengard Nicole Engard, Doc Manager, ByWater/BibLibre
- jwagner = Jane Wagner, PTFS
- kf = Katrin Fischer, BSZ Konstanz, Germany
- Ropuch = Piotr Wejman, CSNE Library, Poland
- chris = Chris Cormack, Translation Manager, Catalyst
- vickiteal = Vicki Teal Lovely, SCLS, Madison WI
- Amit = Amit Gupta, Nucsoft Osslabs
- brendan = Brendan Gallagher, ByWater Solutions
- paul_p = Paul P. BibLibre owner
- sekjal = Ian Walls, NYU Health Sciences Libraries
- magnusenger = Magnus Enger, Libriotech, Norway
- Nate = Nate Curulla ByWater Solutions
- Joann = Joann Ransom, Horowhenua Library Trust, NZ
- hdl_laptop = Henri-Damien LAURENT BibLibre owner
- Colin = Colin Campbell - PTFS-Europe
- kmkale = Koustubha Kale, Anant Corporation, Granthalaya.org
- reed = Reed Wade, Catalyst, NZ
- ricardo = Ricardo Dias Marques, author of installation guide of Koha in openSUSE and contributor/approver to Portuguese translation, Portugal
- thd = Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City
- gmcharlt stated he'll be pulling together an 3.2 alpha release before the 4 November 2009 meeting come hell or high water
- hdl_laptop and paul_p introduced the http://biblibre_head.git.biblibre.com
- hdl_laptop aims for a 3.0.4 release before 14 Oct
- slef explained the reason for Wiki Relicensing Ballot being to GPL not FDL by highlighting the wikipedia move away from FDL suggesting FDL isn't great for wikis and the need for compatibility with Koha's license.
- Koha Tutorials was postponed because we all seem to be busy with getting 3.2 out
- Bugzilla default assignees and maintenance needs people volunteering to become default assignee for various components, as well as people volunteering to go in and look at bugs and test and close them out - maybe needs some Koha Tutorials
- nengard to follow up to Mysql Schema Documentation on koha mailing list
- nengard introduced Vote for Foundation Options (pt 1)
- slef offered to do more analysis of the raw data but not before Monday
- nengard and slef will coordinate better on second survey
- Next meetings called for Foundation Forming IRC Meeting, 29 October 2009 and General IRC Meeting, 4 November 2009
Transcript: http://stats.workbuffer.org/irclog/koha/2009-10-07#i_315801