Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Foundation Forming IRC Meeting 2009-09-15
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
(Redirected from Foundation Forming IRC Meeting, 15 September 2009)
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#koha IRC channel (IRC server irc.katipo.co.nz)
Tuesday 15 September 2009 at 19:00 UTC+0
To find your local time try:
- date -d @1253041200
- http://www.worldtimeserver.com/meeting-planner-times.aspx?&L0=US-FL&L1=UTC&L2=GB&L3=IN&L4=NZ&Day=15&Mon=9&Y=2009
- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2009-09-15%2019:00%20UTC+0
- Welcome and introductions
- Goals
- Current situation
- Options
- Next steps
- Brendan Gallagher, ByWater Solutions (brendan)
- Chris Cormack, Catalyst, Translation manager (chris)
- Chris Nighswonger, FBC (chris_n)
- Colin Campbell, ptfs-europe (Colin)
- Davi Diaz, worker for software.coop (davi)
- David Birmingham, PTFS (dbirmingham)
- David Schuster, Plano ISD (schuster)
- Galen Charlton, Equniox (gmcharlt)
- Garry Collum, Kenton County Public Library (collum)
- Greg Lawson, Rolling Hills Consolidated Library ( rhcl )
- Ian Walls, NYU Health Sciences Libraries (sekjal)
- Irma Birchall, Calyx, Australia (%%IrmaCalyx%%)
- J. David Bavousett, PTFS (jdavidb)
- Jane Wagner, PTFS (jwagner)
- Joann Ransom. Acting Head of Libraries. Horowhenua Library Trust. (jransom)
- Katrin Fischer, Germany (cait)
- krishnan mani, India (kr1shnan_)
- Liz Rea, Northeast Kansas Llibrary System, US (Wizzyrea_)
- Magnus Enger, Libriotech, Norway (magnusenger)
- Marshall Breeding (breeding)
- mason (mason)
- MJ Ray, software.coop (slef)
- Nate Curulla, ByWater Solutions (Nate)
- Nicole C. Engard (nengard)
- Owen Leonard, Nelsonville Public Library (owen)
- Paul Poulain, BibLibre(paul_p)
- Piotr Wejman, CSNE Library, Poland (Ropuch)
- Rachel Hamilton-Williams, Katipo, Kaitiaki (rachel)
- Ricardo Dias Marques, Portugal (ricardo)
- Richard Anderson, Katipo (richard)
- Rosalie (rosa)
- savitra , Nucsoft (savitra)
- Stephanie Chase, Vermont (stephaniechase)
- stuart yeates, New Zealand (snail)
- Sverre Helge Bolstad, Norway (sh)
- Thomas Brevik, Bergen, Norway, Royal Norwegian Naval Academy Library (miromurr)
- Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City (thd)
- Vicki Teal Lovely, South Central Library System, Madison, Wisconsin (vickiteal)
- Zeno Tajoli (CILEA) (tajoli)
Using the slef's survey at http://doodle.com/mobile/overview.html?pollId=bubb4xrqs54qgpwx, top 4 priorities identified by attendees are:
- ensure the ongoing shared governance of the project
- secure the Koha name
- Kaitiaki (guardianship) role
- be owner of the copyright
Rather than immediately forming a new foundation, discussion moved to joining an existing one. This would be a temporary measure until the community could take the time to set up its own foundation properly.
Candidates include:
Pros and cons were discussed for all three organizations.
Concerns that need to be addressed:
- International, or based in a specific country?
- Stated position on FOSS?
- Easy to get our assets back out later?
- Clearly laying out expectations placed on the organization
- Possible goal: reclaiming koha.org
- -> Translates to actions: get domain, acquire hosting
- **Defining 'we'**.
- Who makes up the Koha Community legally, i.e. who can enter into legal relationships?
- What are the organizations' membership requirements?
- Do they limit who can participate?
- Intended for librarians, developers, both?
- Democratically managed by members?
Action items
- Create Comparison chart of associations and foundations on wiki
- Further research candidate organizations to answer open questions (due in 2 weeks)
- Set up preference poll (nengard),
- Vote for Foundation Options (pt 1)
- Discuss for up to two weeks
- Final Foundation Vote
- 1 person, 1 vote, open to anyone interested in Koha. Give name and affiliation.
- Agreed on a minimum 30 votes required
- Distribute links to poll in all pipes (Koha lists, Twitter, Facebook, blog posts, etc.)
Available at http://stats.workbuffer.org/irclog/koha/2009-09-15