One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Setup Koha development environment (KohaDevBox)
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
What works
- Base install with MARC21 or UNIMARC
- Test suite
- QA Test Tools
- Mounting the code from the host [1]
[1] This means we can just use the DevBox to run Koha, the test suite or the QA Test Tools on a patch. And all the rest (git, git bz) could be in the host or a container.
Isn't this redundant with the README?
The aim is to have
- some ready to paste commands
- complete some non-obvious stuff
- have some choices already made
- have reference to other resources non-obvious to find
- don't use the installer but a dump instead
- redo it more quickly and to make the first time easier (less hesitation, less risk of missing something important).
Install procedure
Distribution: Solus
Install from the repos:
- virtualbox-current
- rsync
- vagrant
- nfs-utils
- git
reboot (for VirtualBox)
Distribution: *buntu 16.04
VirtualBox, NFS
sudo apt install virtualbox nfs-kernel-server
Ansible and Vagrant not from the distro repos
Follow the README
Stop before "vagrant up
Stuff to change in vars/user.yml
Only if one wants to commit or use git BZ from the DevBox
- git_email
- git_full_name
- bz_user
- bz_password
Distribution: Solus: set up NFS
create /etc/exports
sudo touch /etc/exports
Enable UDP
sudo vim /etc/nfs.conf # uncomment and enable this [nfsd] udp=y # restart nfs-server sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service
Distribution: Arch Linux: set up NFS
Enable UDP
sudo vim /etc/nfs.conf # uncomment and enable this [nfsd] udp=y
restart nfs-server
sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service
Build and run the DevBox
Without ElasticSearch
# SYNC_REPO → use the koha git repo from the host SYNC_REPO=/home/REPLACE_WITH_THE_APPROPRIATE_PATH_FOR_YOU/dev/koha vagrant up
Meanwhile, read the rest of
With ElasticSearch
# SYNC_REPO → use the koha git repo from the host KOHA_ELASTICSEARCH=1 SYNC_REPO=/home/REPLACE_WITH_THE_APPROPRIATE_PATH_FOR_YOU/dev/koha vagrant up
Meanwhile, read the rest of
Access the VM
From the directory where the kohadevbox repo was cloned.
vagrant ssh
Reset the DB
It creates it and load the dump the first time
Run the tests
kshell time prove -r t/ xt/
- OPAC: http://localhost:8080/
- Staff interface: http://localhost:8081/
- login: admin
- pass: admin
Post install: Tune VM
- shutdown the DevBox
- open the VirtualBox GUI
Add more CPUs
Default value is 2, adjust to your machine.
Optional: spare a bit of RAM
when not using ElasticSearch: Change the allocated RAM from 2 GiB to 1.5 GiB
Normal usage and useful commands
Start the KohaDevBox
# SYNC_REPO → use the koha git repo from the host # if you forget this, the /home/vagrant/kohaclone folder will be empty and Koha won't work. SYNC_REPO=/home/REPLACE_WITH_THE_APPROPRIATE_PATH_FOR_YOU/dev/koha vagrant up jessie
Run the tests
Optional: switch to the code on an older version
# outside the KohaDevBox (assuming mounting the code from the host) # could be also done inside git checkout v17.11.04
Run the tests
reset_all kshell time prove -r t/ xt/
Load UNIMARC dump
Access the db
sudo koha-mysql kohadev
Migrate the DB
kshell installer/data/mysql/ exit sudo service memcached restart
Build Zebra indexes
sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v
Dump DB
sudo koha-dump kohadev
Resource for commands