Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Development/Tools and operations
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Interactive Perl shell - REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop) with Devel::REPL
Install and run
sudo apt install libdevel-repl-perl re.pl
Usage example
use Number::Format; my $format = new Number::Format(-decimal_point => '.'); # $Number_Format1 = Number::Format=HASH(0x39cbf00); $format->unformat_number("12345,89"); # 12345.89 # Caveat: don't use print if you want to see the value, otherwise you will get some kind of return value of print $ print $format->unformat_number("12345,89"); # 1
Trigger the installer, reset from populated DB
koha-testing-docker has an autopopulated DB
echo "DROP DATABASE koha_kohadev; CREATE DATABASE koha_kohadev;" | koha-mysql kohadev restart_all
Install translations
update dababase
Reset DB with dump
If you don't have a devbox. Using BibLibre's tools (https://git.biblibre.com/biblibre/tools)
# memcached is flushed because if you switched to another version of the code, the old version will be in cache and the updatedatabase won't run echo "flush_all" | nc -q 2 localhost 11211 && \ ~/tools/sysop/db_replace.sh --confirm --dump ~/dumps/koha-sample.sql.gz && \ ~/src/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl && \ ~/tools/zebra/rebuild_full.sh -b -a
Use Elasticsearch
Switch the SearchEngine syspref
Index data
misc/search_tools/rebuild_elasticsearch.pl -v -d
Maybe also
# as root koha-elasticsearch -v -p 5 --commit 1000 --rebuild kohadev
Test SIP with emulator
Apply large patches without adding a git remote
wget -q -O- http://git.biblibre.com/biblibre/kohac/commit/457524cef965faf96a9516c17e9e0a8bbdec19aa.patch | git am -3 -
Trigger the installer
echo "DROP DATABASE koha_kohadev; CREATE DATABASE koha_kohadev;" | koha-mysql kohadev ; restart_all
Generate test data
Many patrons
SELECT surname, firstname, branchcode, categorycode FROM ( SELECT surname FROM borrowers ORDER BY rand() ) a, ( SELECT firstname FROM borrowers ORDER BY rand() ) b, ( SELECT branchcode FROM borrowers ORDER BY rand() ) c, ( SELECT categorycode FROM borrowers ORDER BY rand() ) d LIMIT 50000
Send emails
Setup email using your own SMTP server.
edit koha-conf.xml to add the following inside the <config> section
<smtp_server> <host>yourSMTP.example.org</host> <port>587</port> <timeout>5</timeout> <ssl_mode>STARTTLS</ssl_mode> <user_name>youraddress@example.org</user_name> <password>yourpassword</password> <debug>1</debug> </smtp_server>
A set KohaAdminEmailAddress to your address.