Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

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User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Development/Test plans

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Reusable and detailed pieces of test plans

To have more accessible test plans (e.g. for someone not knowing acquisitions well) without needing too much time.

Create a basket group

1. have/create a active budget
2. have/create a fund
3. have/create a vendor with minimal info
4. create a basket with minimal info
5. add an order line to the basket
6. go to the basket. URL should be
7. close this basket
     and tick "Attach this basket to a new basket group with the same name"
8. you will end up in the basket groups lists
9. go to the "closed" tab

trigger a restriction due to a late check-in

1. choose a patron, library, record
2. In "Tools › Overdue notice/status triggers" → on the library → on the 3 tabs
   - tick "Restrict" for the patron's category
3. create an issue with due date in the past
   - but not any date, a date that will match the overdue triggers
   - so something superior to any of the delays filled in the tabs
4. Run ./misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl

Trigger overdue notification

1. Home › Tools › Overdue notice/status triggers
2. For the right patron category, tick "email"
3. Choose a delay of 2 days for example and any letter
4. Go to the checkout page of a patron
5. Expand "Checkout settings"
6. Choose a day 2 days in the past
7. Checkout an item
8. run misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl -v
9. Query the database to see the created notices
     select * from message_queue\G

stock rotation


Personal tools