Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .

User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2021-09

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Release maintenance of 20.05.x branch

Released version 20.05.16

Backport list: 9

  • Bug 28802 - Untranslatable strings in browser.js
  • Bug 26847 - Make borrower category code accessible in all pages of the OPAC
  • some security bug
  • some security bug
  • some security bug
  • some security bug
  • some security bug
  • some security bug
  • Bug 28885 - OpacBrowseResults can cause errors with bad search indexes

Minor stuff

Patchsets analyzed but not backported: 17

This plus the backported patches gives and idea of the stream of patches to process.

Not backported due to one of the following:

  • severity too low considering this is the oldoldstable branch of Koha, quick analysis
  • missing dependencies/not affecting my branch
  • not enough benefits compared to the risks of regression

Backport attempts: 1

Some time needed to determine whether it impacts 20.05 or the feasibility of the backport. And also attempts to backport not possible due to code conflicts.

  • Bug 28812 - Authority tag editor only copies $a from record to search form



  • An attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
  • Partial QA is a way to contribute to a ticket that I can't QA alone but for which I can apply the test plan and run the QA script. Leaving the functional or code review for someone knowing that area.

Some security bug

Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)

Note: an attempt usually results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.

Some security bug

Found an issue: Some security bug

Misc tasks and work on tickets: Analysis or implementation

Chaired Development IRC meeting 8 September 2021

Overall check for stable branches to prepare a security release

Rebase: Bug 17649 - Create only one message per borrower and overdue level

New tickets opened

i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)

Some security bug

Docker compose 2.0 breaks aliases (compose is now a subcommand of docker)


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