One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2021-05
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Release maintenance of 19.11.x branch
Released version 19.11.18
Micro release: version 19.11.18-2
Backport list: 10
- Some security bug
- Some security bug
- Bug 28064 - Transits are not created at check in despite user responding 'Yes, print slip' to the prompt
- Bug 27968 - MARC framework CSV and ODS import incomplete or corrupted
- Some security bug
- Bug 28249 - Selenium->wait_for_element_visible can fall in an infinite loop
- Bug 24564 - The adding of new subfields according to IFLA updates doesn't respect existing tab
- Bug 27203 - Order unitprice is not set anymore and totals are 0
- Bug 28302 - Koha does not work with CGI::Compile 0.24
- Bug 28367 - Wrong plack condition in C4/
Minor stuff
Patchsets analyzed but not backported: 55
This plus the backported patches gives and idea of the stream of patches to process.
Not backported due to one of the following:
- severity too low considering this is the oldoldstable branch of Koha, quick analysis
- missing dependencies/not affecting my branch
- not enough benefits compared to the risks of regression
Backport attempts: 1
Some time needed to determine whether it impacts 19.11 or the feasibility of the backport. And also attempts to backport not possible due to code conflicts.
- Bug 28217 - Several non-repeatable attributes when merging patrons
- An attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
- Partial QA is a way to contribute to a ticket that I can't QA alone but for which I can apply the test plan and run the QA script. Leaving the functional or code review for someone knowing that area.
Bug 27562 - itiva notices break if record title contains quotes
Bug 27594 - Add access to public download link for publicly-accessible uploads
Bug 28200 - Net::Netmask 1.9104-2 requires constructor change for backwards compatibility
Found issue: Bug 22690 - Merging records with many items too slow (Elasticsearch)
Bug 27899 - Missing description for libraryNotPickupLocation on
Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)
Note: an attempt usually results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
Found issue: Bug 18984 - Remove support for NORMARC
Bug 28200 - Net::Netmask 1.9104-2 requires constructor change for backwards compatibility
Bug 24852 - XSLT paths not adjusted for dev installs
Attempt: Bug 27844 - koha-worker systemd service should run as %i-koha in package install
Attempt: Bug 27849 - Koha::Token may access undefined C4::Context->userenv
Attempt: Bug 28276 - Do not fetch config ($KOHA_CONF) from memcached
Bug 28278 - Improve $KOHA_CONF parsing speed by using XML::LibXML
Retested: Bug 19185 - Web installer and onboarding tool selenium test
Maybe found issue: Bug 19821 - Run tests on a separate database
Attempt 2: Bug 28276 - Do not fetch config ($KOHA_CONF) from memcached
Bug 21249 - Syspref to choose whether to search homebranch, holding branch or both for library groups in advanced search
Bug 15565 - Place multiple holds at once for the same record in OPAC
Bug 15516 - Allow to place a hold on first available item from a group of titles
Attempt: Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch
V2: Bug 27203 - Order unitprice is not set anymore and totals are 0
V2: Bug 27623 - Remove pl-PL installer data
Some security bug
Bug 27844 - koha-worker systemd service should run as %i-koha in package install
Bug 22690 - Merging records with many items too slow (Elasticsearch)
Bug 28302 - Koha does not work with CGI::Compile 0.24
Maybe found issue: Bug 25030 - IncludeSeeFromInSearches not honoured in Elasticsearch
Bug 27724 - Use lenient also in Elasticsearch authorities search
Found issue: Bug 28299 - OpacHiddenItems not working on opac-shelves
Maybe found issue: Bug 17656 - Irregularities in serial prediction pattern are planned only for current subscription
Bug 24434 - C4::Circulation::updateWrongTransfer is never called but should be
Bug 28294 - C4::Circulation::updateWrongTransfer should be moved into Koha::
Maybe found issue: Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch
Bug 28187 - rowGroup headings are getting their styles overriden
Maybe found issue: V2 Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch
Bug 28368 - Error when printing receipt of point of sale
Maybe found issue: V3 Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch
Bug 17656 - Irregularities in serial prediction pattern are planned only for current subscription
Attempt: Bug 28386 - Replace dev_map.yaml from release_tools with .mailmap
Some security bug
Bug 28385 - ldap server configuration broken since migration from XML::Simple
Maybe found issue: Some security bug
Bug 28386 - Replace dev_map.yaml from release_tools with .mailmap
Bug 28158 - Lost items not charging when marked lost from batch item modification
V2: Bug 28158 - Lost items not charging when marked lost from batch item modification
Attempt: Bug 28421 - When refunding lost fees we should not include voided payments
Found issue: Bug 28326 - If ElasticSearch enable is not possible to edit or save records with ' ES reserved charset' like []
Attempt: Bug 28462 - TT tag on several lines break the translator tool
Bug 28475 - Searching all headings returns no results
Maybe found issue: Bug 26533 - Searching authorities using 'is exactly' doesn't work as expected
Maybe found issue: Bug 28482 - Floating point math prevents items from being returned
V2: Bug 22690 - Merging records with many items too slow (Elasticsearch)
Misc tasks and work on tickets: Analysis or implementation
More analysis on the ElasticSearch license change in the koha-devel mailingg list
Patch to fix remaining bug: Bug 27594 - Add access to public download link for publicly-accessible uploads
Security analysis on some bug
Tried to reproduce Bug 28281 - Installer doesn't work on some languages (pl-PL) because it double decodes installer data
Rebase and restest: Bug 20529 - Return to results link is truncated when the search contains a double quote (edit)
Fix test: Bug 28200 - Net::Netmask 1.9104-2 requires constructor change for backwards compatibility
Helped a librarian set up a local Koha environment
koha-testing-docker: submitted patch: Add estimate of RAM requirements in the README
Fix conflicts: Bug 7376 - Transfer limits should be checked at check-in
Wrote test plan: Bug 28299 - OpacHiddenItems not working on opac-shelves
Wrote test plan: Bug 28385 - ldap server configuration broken since migration from XML::Simple
Some security bug: additional security analysis
Update Wikipedia page with latest release and up to date support period for older releases
Rebase patch + try to reproduce issue: Bug 24434 - C4::Circulation::updateWrongTransfer is never called but should be
How to test i-tiva integration
New tickets opened
i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)
Bug 28297 - can't save system preference and field not marked as modified when changing value
Bug 28323 - Invalid record in sample data leading to error when displaying
Bug 28359 - Invalid value of OpacHiddenItems crashes OPAC search
Bug 28368 - Error when printing receipt of point of sale
Bug 28406 - Point of sale don't register a sale when total amount is 0
Release tools: Missing contributor