Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .

User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2021-04

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Release maintenance of 19.11.x branch

Released version 19.11.17

Backport list: 1

  • Bug 26517 - Avoid deleting patrons with permission

Minor stuff

Patchsets analyzed but not backported: 48

This plus the backported patches gives and idea of the stream of patches to process.

Not backported due to one of the following:

  • severity too low considering this is the oldoldstable branch of Koha
  • missing dependencies/not affecting my branch
  • not enough benefits compared to the risks of regression

Backport attempts: 3

Some time needed to determine whether it impacts 19.11 or the feasibility of the backport. And also attempts to backport not possible due to code conflicts.

  • some security bug
  • Bug 26312 - Add some error handling during Elasticsearch indexing
  • Bug 24567 - Elasticsearch: CCL syntax does not allow for multiple indexes to be searched at once



  • An attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
  • Partial QA is a way to contribute to a ticket that I can't QA alone but for which I can apply the test plan and run the QA script. Leaving the functional or code review for someone knowing that area.

Bug 27594 - Add access to public download link for publicly-accessible uploads

Bug 28244 - Ukrainian is misspelled in language tables for English

Bug 28248 - Exception when getting all orders

Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)

Note: an attempt usually results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.

Bug 18912 - Show more item information when using itemBarcodeFallbackSearch

Bug 28002 - Add optional extended_attributes param to POST /patrons

Bug 27842 - Incorrect biblionumber handling in serials subscriptions

Bug 28064 - Transits are not created at check in despite user responding 'Yes, print slip' to the prompt

Attempt: Bug 27916 - Fee paid message can crash SIP server if paying fee that is not "renewable"

Bug 26312 - Add some error handling during Elasticsearch indexing

Attempt: Bug 24564 - The adding of new subfields according to IFLA updates doesn't respect existing tab

Bug 27968 - MARC framework CSV and ODS import incomplete or corrupted

Found issue: Bug 28122 - Remove old syslog config from SIPconfig.xml

Bug 24564 - The adding of new subfields according to IFLA updates doesn't respect existing tab

Bug 28207 - Crash when seeing MARC structure of a new framework

Bug 28198 - Sample notices SQL fails on HOLD_REMINDER: Column count doesn't match value count

Bug 28217 - Several non-repeatable attributes when merging patrons

Bug 27203 - Order unitprice is not set anymore and totals are 0.

Bug 27246 - Remove apache only code from C4::Context BEGIN

Bug 27623 - Remove pl-PL installer data

Bug 28250 - Debug from Selenium error handler is no longer working

Bug 28259 - Checking at branch B an item in waiting hold state at branch A kill koha

Attempt: Bug 27526 - Remove Mod/AddItemFromMarc from additem.pl

Found issue: Bug 18984 - Remove support for NORMARC

Misc tasks and work on tickets: Analysis or implementation

Research about the license change of Elasticsearch

Try to unblock Bug 27968 - MARC framework CSV and ODS import incomplete or corrupted

Rebase patch to the release tools: Use HTTPS URLs when possible


submitted patch: Koha-testing-docker: Add libio-prompt-tiny-perl to all images


submitted patch: release notes: link to the wiki for the system requirements


submitted patch: release tools: config file: try to clarify how to fill the master version field.


Follow-up to Bug 28198 - Sample notices SQL fails on HOLD_REMINDER: Column count doesn't match value count

Try to unblock Bug 25449 - Make itemtype mandatory by default


Document string freeze in french


Tips for reviewing compiled CSS


New tickets opened

i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)

Bug 28197 - checkmarc.pl gives false positive for UNIMARC

Bug 28198 - French sample notices SQL fails: Column count doesn't match value count

Bug 28199 - MARC framework CSV and ODS import incomplete or corrupted - part 2

Bug 28207 - Crash when seeing MARC structure of a new framework

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