Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

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User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2020-12

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Release maintenance of 19.11.x branch

Backport list

  • Bug 18267 - Update price and tax fields in EDI to reflect DB changes
  • Bug 26516 - Importing records with unexpected format of copyrightdate fails
  • Bug 26986 - Second try to prevent Selenium's StaleElementReferenceException
  • Bug 26854 - stage-marc-import.pl does not properly fork
  • Bug 25752 - Current directory not kept when using koha-shell
  • Bug 25548 - Package install Apache performs unnecessary redirects
  • Bug 27082 - Problem when a basket has more of 20 orders with uncertain price
  • Bug 26518 - Adding a record can succeed even if adding the biblioitem fails
  • Bug 27092 - Remove note about "synced mirror" from the README.md
  • Bug 27079 - UpdateFine adds refunds for fines paid off before return
  • Bug 12430 - Relevance ranking should also be used without QueryWeightFields system preference
  • Bug 25189 - AutoCreateAuthorities can repeatedly generate authority records when using Default linker
  • Bug 27166 - SIP2 Connection is killed when an item that was not issued is checked in and generates a transfer
  • Bug 27108 - Update team for 21.05 cycle
  • Bug 14564 - Incorrect permissions prevent web download of configuration backups

Minor stuff

Patchsets analyzed but not backported: 27

Due one of the following

  • severity too low considering this is the oldoldstable branch of Koha
  • missing dependencies
  • not enough benefits compared to the risks of regression

backport attempts: 6

Some time needed to determine whether it impacts 19.11 or the feasibility of the backport. And also attempts to backport not possible due to code conflicts.

  • Bug 26903 - Authority records not being indexed in Elasticsearch
  • Bug 7607 - Advanced search: Index and search term don't match when leaving fields empty
  • Bug 26536 - "Writeoff/Pay selected" deducts from old unpaid debts first
  • Bug 27166 - SIP2 Connection is killed when an item that was not issued is checked in and generates a transfer
  • Bug 27209 - Add Koha::Hold->set_pickup_location
  • Bug 27256 - "Add" button on point of sale page fails on table paging



  • An attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
  • Partial QA is a way to contribute to a ticket that I can't QA alone but for which I can apply the test plan and run the QA script. Leaving the functional or code review for someone knowing that area.

Bug 26976 - When renewalsallowed is empty the UI is not correct

Bug 25583 - When ClaimReturnedLostValue is not set, the claim returned tab doesn't appear

Maybe found issue with Bug 26946 - Limit size of cash register's name on the UI

Attempt Bug 27068 - HoldsQueue doesn't know how to use holds groups

Partial QA: Bug 26634 - Hold rules applied incorrectly when All Libraries rules are more specific than branch rules

Bug 15448 - Placing hold on specific items doesn't enforce OpacHiddenItems

Bug 26946 - Limit size of cash register's name on the UI

Bug 26742 - Add configuration for message broker

Attempt Bug 26741 - Make rabbitmq-server suggested rather than required

Bug 27133 - Header missing for "Copy no" on the relative's checkouts table

Attempt Bug 26797 - Error when trying to access Relative Checkouts between Professional and Organizational patron categories

Partial QA: Bug 24398 - Error when viewing single news item and NewsAuthorDisplay pref set to OPAC

Bug 27127 - Wrong display of messages if there was only 1 record modified

Attempt Bug 26996 - Elasticsearch: Multiprocess reindexing sometimes doesn't reindex all records

Bug 26849 - Fix Array::Utils dependency in cpanfile

Bug 26941 - Missing OPAC password recovery error messages

Bug 27168 - Most popular doesn't always sort correctly

Bug 26953 - Phone & SMS transports always displayed in overdue status triggers

Partial QA: Bug 27196 - Waiting title level hold checked in at wrong location via SIP leaves hold in a broken state and drops connection

Bug 26956 - Allow "Show checkouts/fines to guarantor" to be set without a guarantor saved

Maybe found issue: Bug 25572 - Permissions for Mana Reports are currently linked to Permissions in Serials

Bug 27230 - purchase suggestion authorized value opac_sug doesn't show opac description

Follow-up patch added: Bug 27180 - Fines cronjob does not update fines on holidays when finesCalendar is set to ignore

Bug 24541 - Database cleanups, purge messages

Bug 24863 - QueryFuzzy syspref says it requires Zebra but Elasticsearch has some support

Bug 26875 - Allow printing of just one barcode

Began Bug 26123 - Show info about existing OPAC note/Patron message on patron's dashboard

Asked confirmation about a choice: Bug 15986 - Add a script for sending hold waiting reminder notices

Bug 26847 - Make borrower category code accessible in all pages of the OPAC

Bug 27317 - (Bug 27127 follow-up) fix t/db_dependent/Koha/BackgroundJobs.t

Began analysis of 34 patchsets

Often one must start reviewing a patch and test plan to really know if it's possible or not to QA it. This is still a way to get to know more Koha and the code though. And eventually find issues.

Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)

Note: an attempt usually results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.

Bug 25026 - RaiseError must be set for the UI

Maybe found issue: Bug 21260 - Improve the Availability line of OPAC XSLT search results

Bug 27166 - SIP2 Connection is killed when an item that was not issued is checked in and generates a transfer

Bug 27177 - t/db_dependent/api/v1/holds.t failing after bug 26988

Bug 25808 - Renewal via the SIP 'checkout' message gives incorrect message

Attempt: Bug 27124 - JS error "select2Width is not defined"

Attempt: some security bug

Found issue: Bug 27205 - Hold routes are not dealing with invalid pickup locations

Maybe found issue: Bug 26698 - Hold can show as waiting and in transit at the same time

Bug 26851 - Overdue notices should not send a report to the library if there is no content

Bug 27209 - Add Koha::Hold->set_pickup_location

V2 Bug 27205 - Hold routes are not dealing with invalid pickup locations

Bug 26698 - Hold can show as waiting and in transit at the same time

Partial test: Bug 27252 - ES5 no longer supported (since 20.11.00)

Bug 27200 - "Browse search" is broken

Attempt: Bug 22005 - System preference DecreaseLoanHighHolds incorrectly counts the number of holds

Bug 27043 - Add to number_of_replicas and number_of_shards to index config

Bug 26593 - Rental discounts are applied in wrong precedence order

Bug 27252 - ES5 no longer supported (since 20.11.00)

Attempt: Bug 27245 - bulkmarcimport.pl error 'Already in a transaction'

Bug 27004 - Deleting a staff account who have created claims returned causes problem in the return_claims table because of a NULL value in return_claims.created_by.

Found issue: Bug 26457 - DB DeadLock when renewing checkout items

Attempt: Bug 27061 - Double permission check in svc/mana/search

Found issue: Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch

Bug 26051 - Elasticsearch field local-classification must be sortable

Bug 27090 - In the location column of an Opac basket the 'In transit from' and 'to' fields are empty

Bug 26417 - Remove warn in Koha::Patron is_valid_age

Found issue: V2 Bug 27064 - Transferring an item with a hold allows the user to set a hold waiting without transferring to the correct branch

Bug 11983 - Code to select patrons to purge needs to be centralized (use of filter_by)

Misc tasks and work on tickets: Analysis or implementation

Significant time on Bug 23732 - Hold rules checker

  • Refactor variable names across all the patches
  • Add automated test for club holds
  • Fix issue with club holds
  • Check for other issues

Bug 27055 - Update Firefox version used in Selenium GUI tests

Chaired development meeting of December the 2nd


docker-selenium: quit() hangs while Firefox is at 100% CPU


Bug 26369 - Set use_zebra_facets to 0 in the templates

Try to unblock the discussion.

Bug 18017 - [Unimarc] Importing biblios from Z39.50 servers duplicates related authorities

Try to unblock the situation.

Bug 20885 - Transferring an item on hold results in bypassing restrictions, actually doing the transfer and can be piled up if repeated

Try to reproduce

Bug 25552 - Add missing Claims Returned option to MarkLostItemsAsReturned

Try to unblock the situation. It seems it have been tested in fact.

Bug 17809 - Correct some authorised values in fr-FR

Fix last issue

CI: Fix configuration of various jobs


System requirements and recommendations

Open ticket and write draft wikipage

CI: Job configuration recommendations


New tickets opened

i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)

KohaDevBox: Selenium::Remote::Driver installation fails


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