One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2020-11
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Release maintenance of 19.05 branch
Released version 19.05.17
Backport list
- Bug 26604 - "Generate next" button gives error on
- Bug 26589 - t/db_dependent/OAI/Sets.t unit test fails due to OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets syspref
- Bug 26496 - Budget plan save button doesn't save plans
- Bug 26569 - Use gender-neutral pronouns in systempreference explanation field in DB
- Bug 26612 - Error during web install for it-IT translation
- Bug 26613 - In the unimarc_framework.sql file in the it-IT translation there are wrong value fields for 995 r record
- Bug 26601 - Add utf8 output to text output of
- Bug 18050 - Missing constraint on aqbudgets.budget_period_id in aqbudgets
- Bug 26606 - Correctly URI-encode query string in URL loaded after deleting an authority record
- Bug 18051 - Advanced Editor - Rancor - encoding issues with some sources
- Bug 26639 - Turn auto_savepoint ON
- Bug 26904 - OPAC password recovery allows regexp in email
Minor stuff
10 patchsets skipped after quick analysis
Due one of the following
- missing dependencies
- severity too low considering this is the oldoldstable branch of Koha
- not enough benefits compared to the risks of regression
Investigated patches for backporting and backport attempts
Some time needed to determine whether it impacts 19.05 or the feasibility of the backport. And also attempts to backport not possible due to code conflicts.
- Bug 25242 - Accessibility: The 'Holdings' table partially obscures navigation links at 200% zoom
Note: an attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
Bug 27079 - UpdateFine adds refunds for fines paid off before return
Attempt: Bug 26741 - Make rabbitmq-server suggested rather than required
Maybe found issue with Bug 26946 - Limit size of cash register's name on the UI
Found issue with Bug 9565 - Deleting a biblio should alert/fail if there are existent subscriptions
Partial QA
I'm not yet in the QA team and doesn't know all the basics but I can still do the testing part, like a signoff. And also run the qa-test-tools.
Bug 7607 - Advanced search: Index and search term don't match when leaving fields empty
Bug 18267 - Update price and tax fields in EDI to reflect DB changes
Ran the QA script and reported missed errors.
Found potential issue: Bug 26947 - kohastructure.sql should be updated for each release
Fixed typo in Bug 18267 - Update price and tax fields in EDI to reflect DB changes
Bug 27026 - New circulation rule "Days mode" values are not explained anywhere
Bug 25942 - Batch biblio and borrower operations on report results should not concatenate biblio/cardnumbers into a single string
V2 Bug 26947 - kohastructure.sql should be updated for each release
Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)
Note: an attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
Found issues with Bug 25408 - CanBookBeReserved & CanItemBeReserved should check "opacitemholds" policy
Found issues with Bug 26282 - Allow staff to decide if a hold cancellation notice will be sent when cancelling a hold
Found issues with Bug 14242 - Use ISBN-field to fill out purchase suggestions (using an Ajax-request)
Bug 26986 - Second try to prevent Selenium's StaleElementReferenceException
Bug 26363 - Provide a systemd unit file for background_jobs_worker
Bug 25514 - REST/Plugin/Objects.t is failing randomly
Attempt: Bug 26948 - Some Koha Emails are double encoded (HOLD, ODUE, ...)
Found an issue with Bug 26522 - Elasticsearch - don't attempt to index record if it cannot be retrieved
Attempt: Bug 25761 - Implementation of too_many_overdue has unintended consequences
Found issues with Bug 26518 - Adding a record can succeed even if adding the biblioitem fails
Bug 25761 - Implementation of too_many_overdue has unintended consequences
Bug 27012 - Merging records with holds causes SQL error
Attempt: Add a new switch to run Koha as a Mojo app
Found an issue with Bug 23141 - The Debian scripts do not use the MySQL port number
Bug 26518 - Adding a record can succeed even if adding the biblioitem fails
Maybe found issue with: Add a new switch to run Koha as a Mojo app
Issue #176 - Use KOHA_ELASTICSEARCH when the container is created
Found what was wrong in my attempt and tested successfully.
Bug 27044 - Deprecate core support for PayPal payments
Attempt: Bug 26922 - SendAlerts does not correctly handle error on sending emails
Bug 26557 - Batch import fails when incoming records contain itemnumber
Bug 26922 - SendAlerts does not correctly handle error on sending emails
Bug 27070 - Elasticsearch - with Elasticsearch 6 searches failing unless all terms are in the same field
Maybe found an issue with V2 Bug 26282 - Allow staff to decide if a hold cancellation notice will be sent when cancelling a hold
Bug 26171 - Show biblionumber in Koha::Exceptions::Metadata::Invalid
Bug 26336 - Cannot import items if items ignored when staging
Misc tasks and work on tickets: Analysis or implementation
Large amount of work on Bug 23732 - Hold rules checker: show matched rules and syspref values to help understand why a hold is possible or not
- Tough rebase to make it work it the current code after more than a years for changes
- Various bugfixes
- Enhancement that required to refactor sensitive code
Significant amount of work on Bug 27055 - Update Firefox version used in Selenium GUI tests
Fix multiple issues across all the GUI tests. Patch submitted.
Bug 14242 - Use ISBN-field to fill out purchase suggestions (using an Ajax-request)
Personal data analysis: found issues and proposed some solutions.
Fixed invalid Urdu translation and asked for help Koha Pakistan for another one
Found way to reproduce Bug 25514 - REST/Plugin/Objects.t is failing randomly
Try to troubleshoot sandbox issues
Search how to make koha-testing-docker work on Windows for a librarian
Found Debian package that already provides the schema files in order for the Perl library that we depend on to use then. Thus fixing the root cause.
Bug 20885 - Transferring an item on hold results in bypassing restrictions, actually doing the transfer and can be piled up if repeated
Tried to reproduce and found different potential issues this time.
Bug 17258 - [OMNIBUS] MySQL 5.7
Research about MariaDB and MySQL version compatibility.
Try to troubleshoot continuous integration issues
Continuation of analysis of SQL comment formats and which should be adopted
Bug 26031 - www/search_utf8.t is failing randomly and must be removed/replaced
Some analysis to try to find an alternative solution.
Research and discussions about eventual changes of the testing stack
French manual: Partial fix syspref translation issues + reported it to the french translation group
Some updates to who had access to which community infrastructure parts
Translation guideline draft about an important point to not loose translation work
Discussions after feedback on it.
Minor security release process improvements + asked for feedback
Release maintenance: add section about backporting a patch with a new Perl dependency
SIP: add example about how to use the emulator
New tickets opened
i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)
KohaDevBox: koha-common outdated
Bug 27028 - Transfers: hold warning doesn't display patron's name and their branch
QA tools: Crash in certain cases
koha-testing-docker: Add libio-prompt-tiny-perl, dependency of the release tools