Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2020-06

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Release maintenance was a big part of this month. A lot of things to learn without making mistakes while trying to be efficient.

The backports, release and a few other things made me work on a wider array of tasks compared to the previous month where it was possible to stay focused on signoffs.

So in terms of time, one big thing and a few clusters of diverse small tasks.


Sort out the system requirements

Related the release maintenance of 19.05 branch

Dug into the dev meeting of the 3 June, the CI and the previous release notes to try to have something reliable and consistent to advertise.

Asked the CI team for changes to reflect this.

Tested locally various advertised configurations since the CI wasn't testing them.

Next step, check what about the other branches.

General discussion about system requirements

On the koha-devel mailing list (took way more time and researches than expected)

Try to reach translators of a few languages to fix some issues

Found in the context of releasing 19.05.12 to not have to deal with this in future releases. And try to motivate new and old translators.

Languages: Arabic, Polish, Urdu and Welsh.

Release maintenance of 19.05 branch

Release maintenance is backporting bugfixes from the development version of Koha to the latest stable version. And from there, to the two other supported major Koha versions. This leads each month to the minor Koha releases.

An attempt to backport is usually trying to apply (cherry-pick) the patch from the previous major Koha version and solve the conflict. If it fails or looks too risky (regression introduction), then the patch isn't backported and feedback if left on the ticket. Which may ask for help in backporting if someone else has a particular interest in the patch.

Initial learning and setup work

Read related doc, setup the necessary tools, ask for advice, try to understand the output of the result of automated tests.

Released version 19.05.12


Investigated local failure of automated test: Circulation.t

And opened Bug 25665 - test t/db_dependent/Circulation.t fails on a specific date

Investigated local failure of other automated tests

Reproduced and checked what was known and what I should report.

Found issues with Bug 24881 - Circulation.t still fails if tests are ran slowly

Finish fixing a past typo: RMaint follow-up: DBRev Replay of upgrade

Revert backport: Bug 17232 - When creating a new framework from an old one, several fields are not copied (important, link, default value, max length, is URL)

It caused a regression.

Minor stuff

9 patches skipped quickly due to missing dependencies


  • Bug 24854 - Remove IDreamBooks integration
  • Bug 23994 - AdditionalFields.t is failing randomly (U18)
  • Bug 25535 - Hold API mapping maps cancellationdate to cancelation_date, but it should be cancellation_date
  • Bug 24458 - Search results don't use Koha::Filter::MARC::ViewPolicy
  • Bug 23403 - SIP2 lends to wrong patron if cardnumber is missing
  • Bug 24881 - Circulation.t still fails if tests are ran slowly
  • Bug 25531 - Patron may not be debarred if backdated return
  • Bug 24062 - Circulation tests fail randomly if patron category type is 'X'
  • Bug 25563 - Cannot submit "add order from MARC file" form after alert
  • Bug 25506 - Perl undef warning on the "About Koha" page
  • Bug 25452 - Alternate email contact not displayed
  • Bug 25428 - Escaped HTML shows in authority detail view when subfield is a link
  • Bug 25473 - Can't add order from MARC file, save button does nothing
  • Bug 25617 - Error on about page when TimeFormat preference is set to 12hr
  • Bug 24413 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned functionality does not lift restrictions caused by long overdues
  • Bug 25517 - Koha.mo not found on package installations / Translations not working
  • Bug 25538 - koha-shell should pass --login to sudo if no command
  • Bug 25557 - Column config table in acquisitions order does not match the acq table in baskets
  • Bug 25677 - Checkbox options for EDI accounts cannot be enabled
  • Bug 25634 - koha-foreach exits too early if any command has non-zero status
  • Bug 25653 - Authorities search does not retain selection
  • Bug 17842 - Broken diacritics on records exported as MARC from cart
  • Bug 25526 - Using Write Off Selected will not allow for a different amount to be written off
  • Bug 25492 - Your Account Menu button does nothing on mobile devices
  • Bug 25701 - Facets display in random order
  • Bug 25597 - Javascript errors in self-checkout printslip.pl preventing printing
  • Bug 25545 - Invoice page - Adjustments are not included in the Total + adjustments + shipment cost (Column tax. inc.)
  • Bug 25521 - NewItemsDefaultLocation description should not mention cart_to_shelf.pl
  • Bug 25507 - PDF order print for German 2-pages is broken
  • Bug 23825 - Object.t is failing - Exception not caught
    • To fix MariaDB 10.3 support (experimental in 19.05.x)
  • Bug 24862 - Wrong behaviour on anonymous sessions

Attempts to backports

  • Bug 25311 - Better error handling when creating/updating a patron
  • Bug 22522 - API authentication breaks with updated Mojolicious version
    • Too many conflicts.
  • Bug 24612 - expirationdate blank if patron has more than one item from bib on hold
    • It conflicts and it's not enough important to be worth the risk.
  • Bug 24229 - /items API tests fail on Ubuntu 18.04
    • Missing dependencies
  • Bug 25601 - Error when unsetting default checkout, hold and return policy for a specific library
    • Non-solvable conflict and actually Koha 19.05 isn't affected.
  • Bug 25618 - Upgrading Koha to packages made of latest master version breaks Z3950
    • Missing dependencies
  • Bug 14543 - Order lines updated that have a tax rate not in gist will have tax rate set to 0!
    • Conflict

Investigated patches for backporting

  • Bug 25567 - borrower_attribute_types.category_code must be set to undef if not set
    • 19.05 not affected, no need to backport
  • Bug 23808 - Creating Child Guarantee doesn't populate Guarantor Information
  • Bug 25416 - Add information about anonymous session for XSLT use
    • Backports well but a bit too much changes and it's just an enhancement. As it's for oldoldstable, leaning towards the conservative side.

Work on tickets: Analysis or implementation

Continued Bug 18974 - Cataloging MARC21 record and adding item selenium test

And created this bug to split the Z39.50 part: Bug 25829 - Z39.50 search selenium test

Accessibility: Replace <i> tags with <em> AND <b> tags with <strong>

Finish the analysis to find the occurrences and split bug creating Bug 25744 in addition to Bug 22672.

Open and began exploring about "Selenium is using Firefox 47."


Bug 22672 - Replace <i> tags with <em> AND <b> tags with <strong> in the OPAC

Fixed a conflict

Bug 20529 - Return to results link is truncated when the search contains a double quote

Tried to get the context back of this old bug to continue working on it.

Bug 22522 - API authentication breaks with updated Mojolicious version

Confirmed that the security issue doesn't happen on 19.05 and 18.11

Bug 15504 - Track Patron's Last Activity

Analysis to see if a report would do it.

Bug 25665 - test t/db_dependent/Circulation.t fails on a specific date

Attempt to reproduce in an automated test.

Bug 23653 - Plack stopped working - JSON validation timeout


Release process improvements


  • Importance of handling translation errors
  • Double checking system requirements against the CI and the previous release notes.
  • Various formatting fixes

Document error in koha-testing-docker when .env file isn't there

Quick way to document by creating an issue with the error message, the cause and the fix and then closing it.


Fix typo continiously => continuously


Release tools: Use HTTPS URLs when possible


Opened new tickets

i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)

Signoff related work (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)

Note: an attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.

Bug 25641 - Koha/XSLT/Base.t is failing on U20

Related also to release maintenance work as it's impacting my branch.

Bug 25765 - Replace LoginBranchname and LoginBranchcode with use of Branches template plugin

Found issues with Bug 20271 - Merge deleted biblio, biblioitems, biblio_metadata, and items tables

Bug 25408 - CanBookBeReserved & CanItemBeReserved should check "opacitemholds" policy

Maybe found an issue though.

Maybe found a issue with Bug 25292 - L1 cache too long in Z3950 server (z3950-responder)

Start exploring Bug 19532 - Recalls for Koha

It's big!

Bug 24353 - [19.05] privacy_guarantor_checkouts incorrectly shows No on moremember.pl

Bug 23653 - Plack stopped working - JSON validation timeout

Community support

  • Tried to help someone running koha-testing-docker (one of the way to have a local Koha) on their machine.
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