One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2020-05
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
This was the month before the next major release so maximum effort was put into doing a lot of signoffs for patchs so they have a chance to make it to the release.
Research about ElasticSearch push some topics during development IRC meeting
Try to help investigating CI failing issues
koha-testing-docker: Tested automatic setup of ElasticSearch
And tried to find out why it doesn't work for me ^^"
Work on tickets: Analysis or implementation
Work on Bug 22672 - Replace <i> tags with <em> AND <b> tags with <strong> in the OPAC
Extensive search (not just the OPAC) to find the all occurrences to replace.
Research about adding sysprefs to Hea
SearchEngine in particular. Found Bug 23849 and linked it with other related bugs.
Quick privacy analysis of *almost all* Koha sysprefs
To see which could be shared with Hea. For this ticket: Bug 23849 - Update the list of sysprefs to share with Hea
Various fixes on the Developers Handbook
Some improvement of documentation of koha-dpkg-docker
(tool to generate Koha packages inside a docker container)
koha-testing-docker: try understand how to update non default envs and how to document this
Test of Koha package install in a container
And documented it here:
Opened new tickets
i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it.
Bug 25601 - Error when unsetting default checkout, hold and return policy for a specific library
[Feature request] Set syspref SearchEngine=Elasticsearch for ku-es*
Bug 25439 - [Omnibus] Prepare Koha to ElasticSearch 7 - ES7
And make a plan to push for ES7 testing so we can start catching up on this.
Bug 25472 - Invalid overdue action trigger should cause a warning or error instead of being ignored
Bug 25473 - Can't add order from MARC file, save button does nothing
Note: an attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.
V2 of Bug 13388 - Add library pages to the OPAC
Bug 24772 - Deactivating Course Reserves reverts Item's Shelving Location, then deleting the same course reverts/empties Course Reserve Values
Bug 10910 - Add a warn when deleting a patron with pending suggestions
Bug 17355 - Authorised value categories cannot be deleted
Attempt: Bug 23070 - Use Koha::Hold in C4::Reserves::RevertWaitingStatus
V2 of Bug 23185 - Koha::Objects supports passing through 'update' which means we can side step 'set' + 'store'
V2 of Bug 10910 - Add a warn when deleting a patron with pending suggestions
Attempt: Bug 25277 - Z3950responder does not work with Elasticsearch
Found issue with V5 of Bug 24631 - Plugin metadata should be outside the main class
V2 of 23070 Bug 23070 - Use Koha::Hold in C4::Reserves::RevertWaitingStatus
V6 of Bug 24631 - Plugin metadata should be outside the main class
Reattempt & success: Bug 25277 - Z3950responder keyword search does not work with Elasticsearch 6
Bug 23403 - SIP2 lends to wrong patron if cardnumber is missing
Bug 25099 - Sending a LANG variable to plug-in template
Bug 25273 - Elasticsearch Authority matching is returning too many results
Also completed the test plan
Attempt: Bug 10517 - koha-restore fails to create mysqluser@mysql_hostname so zebra update fails
Attempt: Bug 22248 - Error when incrementing Mana comment
Can't reproduce. Bug likely not here anymore.
V2 of Bug 25325 - ElasticSearch mapping export lacks staff_client/opac fields
Bug 24963 - Terminology: auto renewal, auto-renewal or autorenewal?
Reattempt: Bug 10517 - koha-restore fails to create mysqluser@mysql_hostname so zebra update fails
Proposed detailed test plan Bug 25418 - Backdated check out date loses time
Bug 16787 - 'Too many holds' message appears inappropriately and is missing data
Bug 25418 - Backdated check out date loses time
Bug 24458 - Search results don't use Koha::Filter::MARC::ViewPolicy
Bug 25416 - Add information about anonymous session for XSLT use
Attempt: Bug 23141 - The Debian scripts do not use the MySQL port number
Patch doesn't apply.
Found issues with Bug 24413 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned functionality does not lift restrictions caused by long overdues
Attempt: Bug 24469 - Record biblionumber in import_biblio when adding to basket via file
Reattempt: Bug 24469 - Record biblionumber in import_biblio when adding to basket via file
Bug 24612 - expirationdate blank if patron has more than one item from bib on hold
V2 of Bug 24413 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned functionality does not lift restrictions caused by long overdues
And test plan competed.