Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Use of Cookies
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
This page documents the use of cookies in Koha for the purpose of creating data privacy documentation as needed by European GDPR and possibly other laws.
- Interface: Staff or OPAC
- Module: Acquisitions, Serials, OPAC, ...
- Version: Koha version this was introduced if known
- Name: Name of the cookie
- Value: Value of the cookie
- Expiration: duration of storage
- Description: Description of the usage in Koha
This data is based on 16.11. Cookies added in later versions are indicated in the version column.
Interface | Module | Version | Name | Value | Expiration | Description |
OPAC/Staff | All pages | CGISESSID | session ID | Until logout or end of session | Session cookie | |
OPAC/Staff | All pages | KohaOpacLanguage | language code | 3 years | Stores the language the user selected so that the OPAC will appear in the same language the next time its visited. | |
OPAC | form_serialized form_serialized_limits | Search terms and limits | End of session or when the advanced search page is accessed again. | jQuery cookie. Stores search terms and limits of the last advanced search. Set when an advanced search is submitted. | ||
OPAC | search_path_code | ads (fewer) or exs (more) | End of session or when the advanced search page is accessed again. | jQuery cookie. Related to serialized_form* cookies. Stores if the advanced search form was used with 'More options' or 'Fewer options'. | ||
OPAC | num_paragraph | count of search options added | End of sesion or when the advanced search page is accessed again. | jQuery cookie. Used to store the number of created options when user selects 'More options' in advanced search to increase search boxes. | ||
OPAC | bib_list | list of record ids (biblionumbers) separated by / | End of session or until the cart is emptied | Stores cart contents in OPAC. Set when records are added to the cart for the first time. | ||
Staff | Catalogue | intranet_bib_list | list of record ids (biblionumbers) separated by / | End of session or until the cart is emptied | Stores cart contents in the staff interface. Set when records are added to the cart for the first time. | |
Staff | Catalogue | 18.05 | bibs_selected | Array, comma separated list of record numbers (biblionumbers) | End of session | JavaScript cookie. Stores biblionumbers of entries selected in a search result list. Used by the BrowseResultSelection feature, lists and cart. |
Staff | Cataloguing | marctags_<borrowernumber> | show or hide | 365 days | Stores whether the user wants to show/hide MARC tags when cataloguing. | |
Staff | Cataloguing | marcdocs_<borrowernumber> | show or hide | 365 days | Stores whether the user wants to show/hide marcdocs when cataloguing. | |
Staff | Cataloguing | catalogue_editor_<borrowernumber> | basic or advanced | 365 days | Stores whether or not to use the advanced or basic cataloguing editor by default. | |
Staff | Cataloguing | LastCreatedItem | Serialized item information (subfields and contents of subfields) | End of session | Used to store item values of the last item created when using the PrefillItem system preference. It will use the values of the last item to prepopulate the values of the next item created. | |
Staff | Circulation | holdfor | patron id (borrowernumber) | 10 minutes | JavaScript cookie. Stores information about the patron when using the 'Search for hold' feature. | |
Staff | Circulation | 18.11 | lastborrowernumber lastborrowername lastborrowercard currentborrowernumber | patron ids, first name and surname, cardnumber | End of session | JavaScript cookie. Stores information about the last accessed patron record in order to provide a link to the 'last patron'. Visibility of the link can be configured using the showLastPatron system preference. |
Staff | Circulation | issues-table-load-immediately-circulation | true | 365 days | Stores if the user selected to see all checkouts immediately on the checkouts or details tab in the patron account. | |
Staff | Authorities | auth_to_merge | Array of authority record ids | End of session | Stores authority records selected to be merged. | |
Staff | Administration | marctagstructure_selectdisplay | 0 or 1 | End of session | Stores whether or not only used tags/subfields are displayed for MARC bibliographic frameworks. | |
Staff | Acquisitions | filter_parcel_summary filter_parcel_basketname filter_parcel_orderno filter_parcel_basketgroupname filter_parcel_ean | Search terms entered in filters | End of session | JavaScript cookie. Stores the values entered in the filters on the left of the parcel/shipment page so they are remembered when returning to the page after receiving an order line. | |
Staff | Acquisitions | 20.05 | searchToOrder | basket number, vendor ID | 10 minutes | JavaScript cookie. Stores information about the basket (order) and vendor when creating orders from bibliographic records already existing in the catalog. |
Staff | Cataloguing | 21.05 | z3950search_last_action | button name | does not apply | localStorage key. Stores your last choice for Card or MARC button on Z3950 search results. |