One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
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From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
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Steps should be completed in order.
Things that are considered "show stopping" include problems
- that cause loss of data
- that inhibit proper circulation of items
- that inhibit addition of new records to the system (patrons, items, or bibliographic records)
- where the workaround for the problem is tedious enough so as to essentially inhibit the function.
When testing, go through the list from top to bottom. Try not to skip items, some only require a very cursory check.
Check to verify all rules, settings, and preferences are defined and correct:
- Circ and fine Rules
- are they there?
- are they as you intend?
- Patron Categories
- are they there?
- are they as you intend?
- Z targets -- are they defined?
- Staff user permissions - did any new granular ones get added, were permissions removed? Does that require action?
- Verify old syspref settings have been maintained
- Verify settings for new sysprefs, consider ramifications of new syspref settings.
Check Circulation - Issues to be concerned with: speed, inconsistency, data loss
- Patron Search
- Can you find the patron you are looking for?
- Issuing
- Can you issue an item to a patron?
- Can you renew an item for a patron?
- Returning (both regular and restricted item types)
- Are fines assessed correctly?
- Are hold messages displayed correctly (if used)?
- Are transit messages displayed correctly (if used)?
- Adding/Deleting Patrons
- Can you add a patron?
- Can you delete a patron?
- Can you leave messages for a patron?
- Can you edit a patron?
- Adding guarantors, guarantor view
- Can you create a child patron and connect it to a guarantor?
- Due Dates - Are they correct per your cirulation rules?
Fines -- money is a big deal, you don't want a bug going undiscovered here.
- Able to create invoices
- Able to pay fines
- Able to pay all fines at once
- Able to remove fines
- Able to write off all fines at once
- LOST items - What happens when a lost item is checked in, and is it what you expect?
SIP2 -- test all of your systems that interface with SIP2. Note: this is not an exhaustive list of things to test. You should test any function that you expect from your SIP2 connections.
- Patrons not allowed to check out items on hold for another patron
- Debarred patrons not allowed to circ
- Chute items get appropriate slips
- Patron can circ items on hold for them
External integrations Note: this is not an exhaustive list of things to test. You should test any function that you expect to be working
- Other authentication schemes, such as
- Custom authentication schemes
Check Cataloging
- Import records
- Does importing work?
- The records get saved?
- The frameworks work as you expect?
- Z searching
- You can find items by searching through your Z targets?
- Verify frameworks
- Are all of the fields you expect there?
- Are the fields you deleted still gone?
- Adding/modifying items
- Add one item
- Add multiple copies of the same item
- Duplicate an item
- Label maker
- Can you create a template?
- Can you create a layout?
- Can you create a batch using that template and layout?
- If upgrading, can you use existing templates and layouts?
- is the output what you expect?
- Indexing
- When you add an item, does it show up in searches of the OPAC and Intranet after a reasonable interval? (default interval is every 10 minutes).
Test Reserves
- Normal holds (“the ordinary hold”)
- Misroutes (“the courier messed up”-- Item is checked in at a different branch than the one it was supposed to be delivered to)
- Staff error (“The misbehaving staff-member” -- item is checked out to another patron that is not the patron who the book was waiting for)
- Local hold and walkin (items with restricted hold itypes should be properly restricted)
Holds Queue
- Transfers to Receive (all operations)
- Holds Awaiting Pickup (all operations)
- Add a hold
- Change priorities
- Change pickup library
- Cancel hold
OPAC functions
- Patron login
- Patron info updates
- Patron item actions (renew)
- Reading history
- Patron holds operations
- Add a hold
- Cancel hold
- Test canned reports
- Test the Statistics Wizards
- Create and run a new SQL report
- Test your most important saved SQL reports (for upgrades)
New Features (that affect existing workflows)
See Release Notes for this release
New Features (that create new workflows)
See Release Notes for this release
Post upgrade/migration:
Verify cron jobs are running
Day of migration/upgrade:
- are new items showing up in your catalog? (See: Indexes, if not)
- is the hold queue being populated? (See: Hold Queue cron, if not)
- are emails being sent (Checkin, checkout, hold ready for pickup)
SIP2 -- test all of your systems that interface with SIP2. Note: this is not an exhaustive list of things to test. You should test any function that you expect from your SIP2 connections.
- Patrons not allowed to check out items on hold for another patron
- Debarred patrons not allowed to circ
- Chute items get appropriate slips
- Patron can circ items on hold for them
External integrations Note: this is not an exhaustive list of things to test. You should test any function that you expect to be working
- Other authentication schemes, such as
- Custom authentication schemes
Day Two of migration/upgrade:
- Overdue notices - did they go out
- Fines - were they assessed correctly?
Day Three of migration/upgrade:
- Pretty much just watch for crazy anomalies, and report as necessary.