One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .Template:Globsqua
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
How can I help?
Really anything that helps improving Koha! :) I_want_to_help
Some ideas
- Browse the bugs
- Check old open bugs to see if they are still relevant to newer versions
- Weed out duplicate bugs if you see two that are the same
- Add more information to make squashing bugs easier
- Maybe you have seen the bug and know how to reproduce?
- Maybe you have a good workaround to help in the meantime?
- Comment on bugs:
- Librarians especially, we need you to help us with bugs that are 'In Discussion' and share your thoughts and workflows.
- Give feedback on new features and help us figure out how things should work before they become part of Koha
- Test patches, comment on them or even sign them off (more info in resources below)
- Fix, update, or just pretty up the wiki?
- Any questions? Talk to us on IRC!
- You can also follow GBSD on Twitter!
Some helpful resources
- BugZilla: This is where we file all bugs and enhancements for the community - you should create an account here first. With that you can edit/comment/create bugs, or just browse and see what is going on
- Sandboxes: These are test environments that can be used to test open bugs. All you have to do is fill out a simple web form and voila! Everything is setup like magic for testing and sign off
- Find patches for GBSD
- Ways of running koha for development
- KohaDevBox: For the slightly more experienced you can use kohadevbox to install and run your very own Koha development environment in a virtual machine. Download, set a few variables, and run one command to get things running
- koha-testing-docker: For the slightly more experience you can use koha-testing-docker, a self contained docker installation of Koha to test and work on bugs.
- If you are using your own Koha git or gitified installation, these might be helpful: Sign off on patches | Sign off on a pushed branch
- Setting Up Koha in Virtual Environment + Using That as a Development Environment
- Bug-enhancement-patch Workflow
- Version Control Using Git
- Git bz configuration
Friendly Guides
The following folks have volunteered to help guide testers through all aspects of the sign-off process -- setting up sandboxes or kohadevbox, configuration of git-bz, doing sign-offs with git. and answering general sign-off questions. If you're looking for a guide, simply ask in the #koha irc channel, or use /msg <<irc nick>> (e.g. /msg oleonard ) for a private chat.
- cait
- oleonard
- tcohen
- ashimema
(it should be noted that everybody in the community is friendly and helpful; feel free to ask in #koha if you have questions, *someone* will be happy to help, even if those above aren't available).
- Dashboard - the goal is to get your name as high up in the "Monthly Scoreboard" as possible :-)
- shows the number of bugs that need to be signed off, and the colour will change as the numbers gets lower (60+ = red, 50-60 = yellow, 29-0 = green)
- shows the changes of status per date (updated in real time, timezone: UTC) Want to play with the data? Here they are, in JSON format.
- Bugzilla Bar Chart shows how many bugs are in the various states of the QA process