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Staff search results interface changes RFC

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Koha > Technical > Development > RFCs > RFC Status > Abandoned RFC


RFC 3.2: Staff Search Results Interface Changes

Original author: Daniel Sweeney <daniel.sweeney@liblime.com>

Sponsored by MassCat.


MassCat wants a number of changes to the staff-side search results user interface of Koha. These changes are useful to all Koha customers. It’s possible that some of these changes may require logic changes, rather than just template changes.

MassCat wants the following new features:

  1. A Z39.50 search button to be available on the search results page in all cases (regardless of whether the search had results or not.) This Z39.50 search should remember the search that the staff member used to reach the search results page, when that is practical. (In some cases the search the staff member used may be difficult to maintain as a Z39.50 search, because it is too complicated, or because the Z39.50 attributes are not compatible with the remote Z39.50 server.)
  2. More information from the bibliographic record available on the search results screen for both Koha searches and remote Z39.50 searches. The ISBN, Date and Edition fields should be visible in the search results screen.
  3. A third bibliographic record view (alongside “MARC” and “ISBD”) that would display a labeled MARC view. The labeled MARC view will contain a single page view of all fields in the record, with a textual label for each MARC tag. (The “Normal” view contains MARC information but is not really a MARC record view—it contains item and subscription information as well.)
  4. The ability to remove one or both of the “MARC” or “ISBD” views.

Requirements / Description

Z39.50 Search button on all search results pages

  1. The search results page will now contain a Z39.50 search button.
  2. This button will be identical to the Z39.50 search button that is available on the “Add New Record” form. (This button may move from the “Add New Record” form as part of another project, but it will still work the same way as in previous releases.)
  3. The Z39.50 search button on the search results page will have the same security permissions as the search button on the “Add New Record” form. The operator must have security that allows them to add a bibliographic record either using Z39.50 only or without restriction. If the staff member does not have this permission the button will not appear.
  4. The search results page will contain this button regardless of whether there are zero, one or multiple hits from the original search. (If there is one hit, Koha takes the searcher directly to the record view, so the button must be added to the single record view as well.)
  5. When the searcher clicks the Z39.50 search button from a search results screen, a new Z39.50 search window will open, as in the pre-existing interface. This window will be populated using the search information from the previous search, if that search was compatible with the search points on the Z39.50 search form.
  6. When the searcher makes the Z39.50 search, they will reach a result set like in previous releases (except for the changes covered elsewhere in this specification) and will be able to preview or import a record from this page.
  7. If the searcher chooses to import a record at this point, the searcher will have to choose a bibliographic record framework after choosing to import. (In the old workflow, the searcher had chosen a workflow on the Add MARC Record form before choosing to import the record.) Once the searcher has chosen a framework, the searcher will be taken to the Add MARC Record form with the imported record active in that framework.

Bibliographic record information on Koha search results

  1. On the Koha search results page, the following metadata elements will be added to the search results:
    1. ISBN
    2. Edition
  2. The ISBN that will display will be the ISBN stored in the biblioitems table. This is the first ISBN in the record.
  3. The Edition that will display will come from the edition statement in the biblioitems table. This should come from the MARC 250 $a and $b fields.
  4. The ISBN will display at the end of the second paragraph of information on the results screen, with the label, “ISBN.”
  5. The Edition statement will display after the publication information and before the description information, with the label, “Edition.”

Bibliographic record information on Koha Z39.50 search results

  1. The Koha Z39.50 search results table will now contain the following information:
    1. Date. This will come from the first occurrence of the MARC 260 $c subfield.
    2. Edition. This will come from the first occurrence of the MARC 250 $a subfield.
  2. Each of these will display as a column in the Z39.50 search results table. Date and Edition will display after the Author column and before the ISBN column.

New “Labeled MARC” Bibliographic record view

  1. Alongside the MARC and ISBD tabs or views on the bibliographic record display page, a new “Labeled MARC” view will be available.
  2. The Labeled MARC view will use a bibliographic record framework to find the names to use to label each MARC tag.
  3. All tags in the record will display on one screen—there will not be a set of tabs like in the traditional MARC view.
  4. The fields in the record will appear in the order they appear in the source bibliographic record.
  5. For each field in the MARC record, the label from the framework will appear, followed by the field’s contents. The contents will appear in the subfield order from the record, without any intervening punctuation or subfield marker. All subfields will display in a single line; the subfields will not be broken out into separate lines for display.
  6. For MARC fields that appear more than once, the label will appear once, with the MARC fields repeating on new lines. (Note that if a field with the same tag number is repeated out of sequence in the record, the label must appear again for clarity.)
  7. The display will work like an HTML table with two columns, one for the labels and one for the field content. Labels and field content will both be left justified in their cells. Each field will have its own row in the table.

Suppressing the MARC record views.

  1. It will be possible to globally suppress the display of one or more of the MARC record views.
  2. The MARC record views are the MARC, ISBD or Labeled MARC view.
  3. This may not necessarily be a system setting as such but may be configured by updating the display templates.

Security and Privileges

  1. The Z39.50 search screen allows the operator to import records. A separate specification adds a security permission that determines whether an operator can import records via Z39.50. That privilege will also control this Z39.50 button.
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