Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Sass lint rules
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Koha now has a default Sass lint configuration file, .sass-lint.yml, which can be used when working with staff client SCSS. The file contains a set of rules which can be used by various tools to lint SCSS with sass-lint. Some default rules have been defined, including the following notable rules:
- attribute-quotes - Attribute values should be quoted
- empty-line-between-blocks - There should be a blank line between nested blocks
- force-attribute-nesting - Require that attributes be nested
- force-element-nesting - Require that elements be nested
- force-pseudo-nesting - Require that pseudo elements/classes be nested
- leading-zero - Disallow a leading zero on decimal numbers
- no-color-keywords - Require that colors be delcared using hexadecimal
- no-duplicate-properties - No duplicate properties within the same block
- no-important - Forbid the use of !important
- no-mergeable-selectors - Forbid duplicate selectors
- no-url-domains - Forbid urls containing domain names
- no-vendor-prefixes - Forbid the use of vendor prefixes
- one-declaration-per-line - Each declaration should appear on its own line
- single-line-per-selector Each selector should appear on its own line
- space-after-colon - There should be a single space after a colon
- space-after-comma - There should be a single space after a comma
- space-before-brace - There should be a space before an opening curly brace
- space-before-colon - There must not be a space before a colon
- trailing-semicolon - All declarations should end in a semicolon
- url-quotes - URLs should be quoted
- zero-unit - Values of 0 for length should be unitless
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