Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Non-English Koha Sites
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Koha web sites in different languages
This is a list of all sites that speaks about Koha that not are in english language. Hera are listed only user's site.
If you want a list of support companies go here
Language/Country | Sites | Description |
Spanish | es.koha-community.org Koha-es Group | The Spanish Community site and group |
French | koha-fr | The web site of french community around Koha |
Italian | koha.it | The web site of italian users of Koha |
Chinese | kohataiwan | The web site of Koha in Chinese 臺灣 |
Brazil | wiki.ibict.br/index.php/Koha | Brazilian wiki for users in portuguese. |
Czech | KohaCZ | The web site of czech community around Koha |
Greece | kohahug | The web site of the greek community around Koha |