Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Koha > Country specific > Norway

This page willl initially collect some notes on how to develop and test support for NNCIPP (the Norwegian NCIP Profile for ILL) in Koha. Later it will document how to set NNCIPP up for use in production.



Patches from Bug 7317

Gitified Koha with the patches from Bug 7317 - Add an Interlibrary Loan Module to Circulation and OPAC.

You will get a couple of easy conflicts in the DBIC schema files. Make sure you resolve them. See the description on the bug for how to set things up, sysprefs to toggle etc.

you will also have to be sure to include the <interlibrary_loans>...</> part to your koha-conf.xml and make sure the backend_directory points to the right path (KOHA_HOME/Koha/Illbackends) and the category type is correct (I changed mine to 'IL'). You'll find the template in $kohaclone_root/etc/koha-conf.xml



This needs to go into Koha/Illbackends/NNCIPP:

cd $kohaclone_root/Koha/ && mkdir Illbackends && cd Illbackends
git clone https://github.com/Libriotech/koha-illbackend-nncipp NNCIPP


NCIPServer - the "norway2" branch

Make sure you check out the "norway2" branch. This is a Dancer-based server.

You will have to edit config.yml to reflect local paths etc.

Run it like so, and remember to adjust the paths:

sudo KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml perl -I/home/me/kohaclone/ bin/ncip_dancing.pl

By default it will listen on port 3000.



Once we have NNCIPP up and running we will need the data from "Base Bibliotek", so other libraries can log into our OPAC and place ILL requests, and so that we know which NNCIPP endpoints to talk to.



This is a simple script for sending canned NCIP messages to e.g. NCIPServer. Use it like so:

perl nciptester.pl -e http://localhost:3000 -s ItemRequested

The canned messages assume some specific data is present in the Koha instance you test against. See the README.pod for details.


These are the NCIP messages that we need to support, and how far we have progressed:

                       Koha NCIPServer
 1 LookupAgency ......         OK
 8 ItemRequested .....  OK     OK
 3 RequestItem .......  OK     OK
10 CancelRequestItem .  OK     OK
11 CancelRequestItem .  OK     OK
 4 ItemShipped .......  OK     OK
 5 ItemReceived ......  OK     OK
 9 RenewItem .........  OK     
 6 ItemShipped .......  OK     OK
 7 ItemReceived ......  OK     OK

The messages that have an "OK" should be properly implemented and tested.

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