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Multipart Bibliographics

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Koha > MARC21
Koha > MARC21 > Data conversion
Other pages in this series: Multipart Bibliographics | Sets with Volumes | Serial Analytics | Monograph Analytics

There are three main types of multipart bibliographics:

  • Sets with Volumes where a parent set record will have multiple volume records attached to it.
  • Serial Analytics where a parent serial record will have multiple analytical article records attached to it.
  • Monograph Analytics where a parent monograph record will have multiple analytical article or chapter records attached to it - These are exceedingly rare in reality.
  • Collections where a parent collection record groups together biblio records.

These can all be use in combination leading some some interesting structures, for instance:

  • Set -> Monograph -> Analytic
  • Bound Set -> Journals -> Journal -> Analytics


LOC Rules for Multipart Records (MARC21)

Note: Below is a 'wordy' decsritpion of the key MARC21 fields used for linking of multi-part records; The specifics of how to use them in context is available on each of the linked pages above.

A number of MARC21 fields are involved in the correct linking of MARC21 records.

In a true Union Catalogue, the link between records should be based upon the combination of Control Number (001) and Control Number Identifier (003), which in combination should always be unique.

The following fields all have a role to play in multipart record linking.

LDR - Marc Leader

001 - Control Number

Contains the control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. For interchange purposes, documentation of the structure of the control number and input conventions should be provided to exchange partners by the organization initiating the interchange. The MARC code identifying whose system control number is present in field 001 is contained in field 003 (Control Number Identifier). An organization receiving a record may move the incoming control number from field 001 (and the control number identifier from field 003) to field 035 (System Control Number), 010 (Library of Congress Control Number), or 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), as appropriate, and place its own system control number in field 001 (and its control number identifier in field 003).

003 - Control Number Identifier

MARC code for the organization whose control number is contained in field 001 (Control Number).

008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements

490 - Series Statement

773 - Host Item Entry

Information concerning the host item for the constituent unit described in the record (vertical relationship). In the case of host items that are serial or multi-volume in nature, information in subfields $g and $q is necessary to point to the exact location of the component part within the bibliographic item.

When a note is generated from this field, the introductory term In may be generated based on the field tag for display.

Provided in order to enable the user to locate the physical piece that contains the component part or subunit being described. Thus, only those data elements required to assist in the identification of the host item need to be included in the field, such as links to the bibliographic record describing the item and/or descriptive data that identify the host item.

774 - Constituent Unit Entry

Information concerning a constituent unit associated with a larger bibliographic unit (vertical relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory term Constituent unit: may be generated based on the field tag for display.

Constituent units may be part of a single bibliographic item, a multipart item, or a collection. The constituent item may or may not be described in a separate bibliographic record.

775 - Other Edition Entry

830 - Series Added Entry-Uniform Title

Current state in Koha

System Preferences

These are not working exactly as expected. (3.10.5 Tested)


Developed by Katrin Fischer for [1] to force Koha to use the 001 for linking.

  • Does NOT affect cataloguing interface, only affect searching/linking.
  • If enabled: The parent's 001 (Control Number) and ONLY the 001 should be contained within the child's 773 subfield w for links to work.
  • To test: Are 773 subfields 0 and 9 completely ignored for link/search?
Enhanced Analytics Workflow

Developed by Colin Campbel.

  • Affects the cataloguing interface only.
    • Adds 'New child record' to the 'New' dropdown of existing records (Can be used to create new child records linked to parents via the 001)

Warning: This option appears only when 'UseControlNumber' is set and 'EasyAnalytics' is disabled.


Developed by Labs.

  • Creates a link to a specific Item as opposed to bibliographic, enabling availability information in the analytic.
  • Affects BOTH cataloguing interface and searching/linking
    • Adds 'Analyze items' to 'New' dropdown of existing records (Can be used to create new child records linked to specific parent items)
    • Adds 'Link to host item' to 'Edit' dropdown of existing records (Can be used to link existing records to a parent item)

If enabled: In either case above (Analyze items or Link to host item) the 773 of the child record will be filled as follows: subfield 0 = biblionumber of parent biblio subfield 9 = itemnumber of the parent item subfield w = (003)001 of parent record

Warning: If you create an analytic in either of these ways, you will break the 'Use control number' linking.


A system preference to set a default for 003 during cataloging.

Cataloguing Plugin

Zeno Tajoli did some work with cataloguing plugins.

What doesn't work?

  • There is currently no way to enforce uniqueness in the 001, or rather uniqueness in 001 + 003.
  • Linking is not done upon 001 + 003 in any circumstances yet.
  • EasyAnalytics and UseControlNumber are mutually exclusive, they should not be :(
  • Monographs with analytics cannot be linked to their child analytic records


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