Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

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Merge biblio and biblioitems tables RFC

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Koha > Technical > Development > RFCs > RFC Status > Abandoned RFC

Merge biblio and biblioitems tables

  • 1-1 relation is error-prone and adds unnecessary complexity to code.
  • I've identified the following columns from the two tables that are still in use.
  • Frameworks will have to be adjusted.
  • If any columns are missing that have any functionality , please add them.
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
biblionumber int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
frameworkcode varchar(4) NO
author mediumtext YES NULL
title mediumtext YES NULL
unititle mediumtext YES NULL
serial tinyint(1) YES NULL
seriestitle mediumtext YES NULL
copyrightdate smallint(6) YES NULL
timestamp timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
datecreated date NO NULL
abstract mediumtext YES NULL
isbn varchar(14) YES MUL NULL
issn varchar(9) YES NULL
publicationyear text YES NULL
publishercode varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
collectiontitle mediumtext YES NULL
collectionissn text YES NULL
collectionvolume mediumtext YES NULL
editionstatement text YES NULL
editionresponsibility text YES NULL
timestamp timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
illus varchar(255) YES NULL
pages varchar(255) YES NULL
notes mediumtext YES NULL
size varchar(255) YES NULL
place varchar(255) YES NULL
totalissues int(10) YES NULL
marcxml longtext NO NULL
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