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KohaCon 2011 : Vidya Prasarak Mandal , Thane, India
Stub page for organizing the 2011 Koha Conference. Please jump in with volunteers, suggestions, sponsorships, ideas/proposals for papers etc. To add a suggestion, [use this link to add a section to the talk page.]
There is a site for attendance, speakers and sponsor registration etc at
We will also add all sorts of information like accommodation, food, traveling, places of interest types to this site.
31 October 2011 - 6 November 2011
31 October 2011 - 2 November 2011 Conference
3 November 2011 Break
4 November 2011 - 6 November 2011 Hackfest
Vidya Prasarak Mandal ~~ Chendani Bunder Road, Creek Road, Thane (West) - 400601 ~~ Maharashtra, India
Both the Conference and Hackfest will take place here.
Add your name and language proficiencies here if you're willing to translate.
Registrations are open : Register here
Call for Papers
Submit presentation proposals here
Thanks to :
Bharat Grahak Sahakari Saunstha Maryadit : A co-operative store in Thane. - Many thanks for your support.
Calyx - Thanks Bob and Irma
BibLibre - Merci, Paul !
Kohaaloha - Thanks Mason.
ByWater Solutions - Thanks Brendan.
See for scheduled program
Day 1
Opening Ceremony
Dr. Vijay Bedekar and Koustubha Kale
Joann Ransom
Koha: A History
Koha has been the 1st OpenSource ILS developed, and is still, after more than 10 years, one of the most actively developed one. This presentation will relate the history of this software, from the beginning in New Zealand, to KohaCon2011 in India.
Paul Poulain
Information Literacy and Library and Information Science
Advanced technology changes the library environment, library collection and the role of librarian. Information literacy is the key competency for the information age. This paper discusses the information literacy term which exactly mean the knowledge literacy.
Vijay Rahane
Optimising ICT Potentials for Integrating Africa in the Global Scientific Information Systems
Awoyemi Akinade
Brooke's Fantasy: Towards a Graphical Intuitive Interface Derived from Gaming
Came out a little gimpy, but I can rework it if ye'd like.
#onlyintheghetto do Libraries innovate. When Koha was born, it was cutting and bloody edge, despite the tight time frame for initial development. Necessity breeds change. Now that we're established, how do we keep a good thing going?ᅠLISs universally fall short in interface design, both for staff and end users. By contrast, gaming offers its users lush intuitive interfaces. often so simple children can grasp them. What can we learn from the entertainment realm that we can adapt to Koha? How do we fully leverage the open source community and blend our strengths to fashion an easy to use, powerful alternative to proprietary products?I invite you into my dream of how I see Koha's interface in an ideal world. I hope to spark a lively discussion that will spill over into the hackfest.
BWS Johnson
Koha: Community Organisation
Paul Poulain
Koha in Indian Public Libraries
Sudhir Badhe
No Library Left Behind: Keeping Up With Koha
Unlike most other library systems, Koha allows its users to get right down into the code. However, many libraries are still finding themselves stuck on old versions of Koha because they have made customisations that they can't upgrade easily. This talk covers ways of avoiding this situation in the future, primarily looking at the best way: sending it upstream.
Robin Sheat
Day 2 : Experience of a Union Catalogue for Public Libraries with Koha
Freggin dspace instead of kete :P
This paper shares the experience of implementing a union catalogue of public libraries. It shares the projects vision of helping public libraries computerize, make their catalogues available online and share the catalogues and finally enable interlibrary loans, publisher promotions etc through the platform. It also examines the challenges faced by the public libraries in India, their requirements from a LIS, how Koha fulfils some of the requirements and where Koha can be improved to fit better. It also shares details of how the catalogue was implemented, strategies used for organizing the catalogue, getting the data in and keeping the data updated.
Koustubha Kale
Privacy with Koha
This presentation will summarise the privacy features of Koha in the context of changing user expectations. The subject of privacy will be introduced in the context of the Privacy Act (Australia) and similar legislation in other jurisdictions. Changing attitudes to privacy will be discussed with a focus on social media. The paper will then review briefly the features within Koha for protection of privacy. These will include: opac, system preferences, staff client, system preferences, patron information including passwords, general application security. The paper will conclude with a summary of privacy considerations for Koha administrators and users.
Bob Birchall
Installation of Koha Using LibLiveCD and Setting Web Parameters
It has been more than 30 years since the Library Automation has started by commercially and professionally developed library management systems. There has been number of software available under proprietary and open source license for the purpose of library automation. Open source has been gaining a good momentum during the last few years. Koha software has been in the market for more than a decade now and is used by many libraries all over the world. Considering lot of benefits of using Koha, library professionals are taking keen interest in trying to use this software but at the same time, face lot of limitations while using Koha. Considering these limitations, Prof. ARD Prasad has created a LibLiveCD which provide a good starting point for library professionals to automate their libraries having to know any technical knowledge of Koha installation.After the installation of the software there are certain parameters which are necessary to be aware of while having 100% Koha System running live. The authors have worked as a resource persons for the Koha training programs. After interacting with the training participants and many LIS professionals, authors have noticed that Koha users face problems while setting up web installation, upgrading the software, taking backup, customizing the software etc. The present paper lists out some of the areas where participants have found limitations while using Koha software.
Nanaji Shewale
Migration Without Suffering
ILS migrations can be very challenging projects, between variable data formats, training issues, design/layout issues, all the lovely data treasures you find in your legacy information, external publicity, and even office politics. Join Ruth Bavousett for an exploration of these and other issues with a focus on how to handle them smoothly and effectively. This is not a detailed technical discussion of data migration, but an overall project-planning session; attendees will learn the ins and outs and potential trouble spots of planning their ILS migration project, whether they are going it alone, or working with a vendor.
Ruth has served the IT needs of libraries for most of her 18-year career and is now as Lead Migration Specialist for ByWater Solutions.
D Ruth Bavousett
Koha: Towards Successful Adoption and Use in Developing Countries
Open source software (OSS) particularly Koha has recently become the subject of scrutiny and debate, not least for the promise it holds to solve systems development Challenges in LIS community. This paper investigates the benefits as well as the challenges of open source development. While significant process benefits exist, open source is not without several limitations to more widespread use and implementation. The report notes the specific application to developing countries. Despite these flaws, Koha remains highly suited, both as a software product and as a development methodology. The paper next examines the distinguishing features of Koha that represent potential benefits to the Library community compared to traditional software challenges. The specific appeal of OSS development for developing countries is noted. This holds the promise of increasing OSS development, which in turn can benefit organizations in developing countries. ᅠ
Kishore Avineni
Features Underway for Acquisitions and Serials for 3.8 and 4.0
Two libraries have sponsored many features/improvements for acquisition module. I will present what is planned to be submitted for 3.8 or 4.0. A lot of work is underway for serials. I will present what we plan to submit for Koha 3.8 or Koha 4.0
This presentation was combined with another from BibLibre in order to allow time for Open Library to present.
François Charbonnier
Survey of Koha Usage in India
This paper will present a survey of Koha usage in India. It will attempt to share the views regarding Koha, its features, special requirements of Indian libraries, desired features, user feedback with the Koha community.
Sandeep Bhavsar
Cultural Programme and Dinner
Day 3
Inheritance of AACR2 Rules from MARC21 to Koha: Blessings or Curses?
Anglo American Cataloguing Code was originally introduced during 1883 and got its name as AACR in 1967. Today, AACR2R is used worldwide in more than 17 languages. AACR was basically introduced for printed or hand written card catalogues for displaying catalogue cards for the documents available in the libraries. From time to time AACR2 has made several changes to accommodate various other media such as microforms, magnetic tapes, and even internet documents on the lines of ISBDs. There are several library automation software available and they try to use rules based on AACR2 and MARC21. AACR2 code is updated regularly, keeping in view of the printed cards but yet have not considered its use in current library database management systems. Most of the major MARCs designed after 1970s like USMARC, UKMARC, UNIMARC, and others have adapted the AACR2R rules. Today, the rules of descriptive cataloguing of identifying descriptive elements and their data entry have been inherited by Koha and other major library automation software while incorporating MARC21 and UNIMARC. It is observed that some of the AACR2R rules are not compatible with MARCs and hence are not compatible with the software like Koha. The present paper tries to highlight some of the unwanted AACR2R rules which are inherited in several MARC's and then ultimately used in library automation software especially like Koha. Some areas in Koha such as concept of main and added entry, or the manual data entry of the punctuation marks and a huge data redundancy are inherited in Koha. Authors are highlighting these areas and give details about some data redundancy in several fields while adopting MARC.
Nanaji Shewale
Koha Implementation at Pwani University College Kenya
The purpose of this paper is to describe the selection process and criteria which has led to the implementation of Koha library management system at Pwani University College. In addition the paper describes Pwani University College experiences in searching support services for Koha implementation in a country where many libraries are swiftly migrating into Koha yet there is minimal technical support from individuals or firms that understand libraries and library technologies. These experiences may influence the decision made by other libraries in similar circumstance. Factors which led to successful Koha implementation are also discussed. Some of these include staff training, collaboration between the library and IT department and managerial support.
Dr. Wanyenda Chilimo-Muoki
Koha and SolR
Will present our work on solR as a replacement for zebra.ᅠIt's now live at one library:
Julian Maurice and François Charbonnier
Integration of Koha with GSDL for Accessing Full Text
Koha is open source software package. It has many features retrieving bibliographic records, but it does not have facility of providing full text document. One the other hand, GSDL (Greenstone Digital Library) has the facility of providing Full Text Search Facility. Both software use open standard of OAI-PMH. Using this facility, an effort is being made to integrate both the software packages so that users can have facility of bibliographic database as well as full text access facility.
Mohan Pradhan
Success Story of Koha Software Adoption for Library Automation in Nigeria: A Case Study of Adeyemi College
A fuller link is of course welcome.
Library automation has been recognised as an integral and essential activity and fortunately getting considerable support in libraries accross Nigeria. Automation systems and procedures are more convinient and conducive to generate and provide satisfactory services to end-users. Desire and related information can be provided to students, staff and faculty instantly and comprehensively. This paper discusses the success story of Adeyemi College of Education Library Automation processes using Koha Library Management Software. It further highlights the automation software attraction, startegy adopted, major automation areas and also outlines various factors to be considered by librarians while formulating automation processes for their respective libraries.
Egunjobi Adesina
Moving and Merging Libraries with Koha
In March 2009. the newly constructed library building for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Library was opened to users. The new Library emerged from 24 separate library collections, each having it's own bibliographic databases as well as diverse classification and shelving systems together with somewhat different practices and policies.Koha became a core part of library information system in the beginning of year 2008. during the preparation works for moving and merging libraries and in the moment when it was clear that the national project to build university library system using Voyager could not provide necessary support for the task at hand in a reasonable time frame.Besides providing support for managing library collections data during the process of moving and merging libraries and carrying out basic library processes, Koha is successfully integrated with other systems in the library and surrounding environments - photo-coping and printing machines, RFID equipment and LDAP database for identifying users.
Marijana Glavica
Integrating Koha with RFID
Back in 2008, we moved our libraries in new building equipped with 3M RFID hardware.Since then I examined hardware a little and wrote Open Source driver for it which provide simple HTTP/JSONP interface for it. This allows adding RFID support to Koha's intranet using nothing more than JavaScript include file using jquery.
Dobrica Pavlinusic
The Advantages of Implementing Koha in Information Centers
The information Centre at the Geothermal Development Company is the section mandated with the responsibility of maintaining and disseminating information resources within the organization. The Information Centre’s role is thus to acquire, classify, catalogue and make accessible the information resources to all our clients. In order for these Information centers to achieve their objectives and serve their clients better, there is a need to acquire and implement a relevant, reliable and cost effective library information management system. Having done a thorough research for a good Library management system to implement in GDC, the Management settled for the KOHA Integrated Library System. The advantage of using KOHA is that it is open source Integrated Library System software that is a web-based.ᅠ In GDC KOHA can also be integrated with other software systems like SAP (SAP ERP) Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing thus assisting in managing orders from vendors, in areas of budgets and in providing pricing information. KOHA is capable of the interoperability between KOHA and other security systems and technologies, while supporting existing work flows and tools. KOHA has therefore been strongly recommended for implementation since it is a powerful and flexible integrated library system which will support the services and activities within the information center of GDC.
Susan Kibaara
Vote of Thanks
Narayan Barse
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