Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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If you plan to work on something specific or have already formed a group, please enter it here so others know about it.


We could gather bugs that are easy to test for newbies here.

== Enhancement wishlist as requested in the @KohaCon16 form == (unfiltered, raw data)
Organisation / Library Country Related Koha module Current Koha version Importance (1:Low->5:High) Suggested enhancements / new features to be considered in future development Comments
Daffodil International University Library Bangladesh Patrons 3.22 1. Permissions bundled in Patron categories administration : When we create patron category, we will be able to set up default permission for them.
2. Circulation Policies in Patron Patron categories administration and Item type administration page. : So that we can set default circulation policy easily.
1. See also BZ 6223
2. Circ Rules "Rewrite" (Jesse could help?)
Royal Conservatory Of Brussels Library Belgium Cataloging 3.22 1 Restriction of indicators to valid values, and possibility to define default values, in the cataloging form.
Royal Conservatory Of Brussels Library Belgium Cataloging 3.22 2 More plugins for input checks that can be connected to input fields: checking validity of ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, checking valid date or date range formats, also simple things like enforcing the use of only lowercase/uppercase letters/digits in a particular field, checking that the input matches a certain regex,
Royal Conservatory Of Brussels Library Belgium Command-Line Utilities 3.22 1 Ability to give options to and use the script link_bibs_to_authorities.pl from the Tools admin section. Bug 9701
Library Of Ministry Of Finance Czechia Cataloging 3.22 Cataloging via Z39.50 server - only downloads and replaces the whole bib. record. There is no choice which fields remain and which to be replaced. The enhacement of records via z39.50 are impossible. It is a pity. (related to BZ 14957??)
Library Of Ministry Of Finance Czechia Opac 3.22 3 Save records downloads gives the wrong results for item types: Serial and Article (analytical description) in RIS (and other) format
Université Bretagne Sud (Scd) France Hold Requests 3.22 Nous souhaiterions avoir la liste des réservations associées à de documents en prêt, et qu'elle soit accessible dans la liste des rapports de circulation (Circulation Reports) du module Circulation
Bulac France Hold Requests
We would be very interested if requests from stacks were enabled on the community version of the system. Our library (Bulac, Paris, France) has developed this functionnality but it is a proof of concept and non implementable on the community version of Koha. (related to BZ14610?)
University Lyon 3 Library France Patrons 3.18 3 In check-in screen, it will be very useful to have the number of documents left for a user at each return, because a lot of user ask "Have I still any document check-out" and you to go to the details user page to answer.
Mediatheque Intercommunale Ouest Provence France System Administration 3.18 "CREATION DE PREFERENCES SYSTEMES POUR LA GESTION DU BUDGET :
1. pour modifier les taux et/ ou seuils des alertes budgétaires en 1 opération pour tous les postes budgétaires
2. pour baisser ou augmenter un budget initial et tous les postes budgétaires rattachés en 1 seule opération en saisissant un %"
Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Greece Cataloging 3.20 1. It would be very nice if there was a way to change the ordering of repeated fields (ie 6xx)
2. In advanced search, it would be useful if the search returned values from 4xx (see from)/5xx (see also) authority fields
3. Easy to use Alphabetic browse lists (Author/Topic/Title/Call#) in staff interface 4. Ability to show additional data from authority fields in the authority search results
1. Can be solved by advanced editor in 3.22+, also reported as Bug 2124
Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Greece Circulation 3.20 1. Do not automatically preselect overdue items in checkout tab
2. Allow change of due date after checkout
3. In Fines->Account, reverse button should show extra information regarding the fine being reversed (and the item details)
1. can be solved by using jQuery
Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Greece Cataloging 3.20 1. When searching you can’t limit the search to multiple locations – you have to search either all or just one
2. Limited space in some fields (e.g., 245, 505, 520), you have to move up and down in the box to see the contents
3. When duplicating subfields do not also duplicate the contents by default
4. You cannot merge more than two authority records at once
Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Greece Circulation 3.20 1: 4 1. Be able to add a checkin/checkout note per item in the time of checkin/checkout.
2. Show more hold information (ie. date) during checkin, in the yellow banner in the hold message (now, you have to go to the patron’s record in order to see information about the hold).
1. (Luleå Univ. might have some work done on that?)
Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Greece Cataloging
Indicatively, the order in the catalogue (alphabetical order not always accurate and decimal number order in class numbers), time of response (slow)
- Greece
3.22 It would be very helpful to have at least a 'basic' xsl template to be able to convert UNIMARC data to USMARC when trying to search and import data from UNIMARC z39.50 sources.
It seems that there is a generic xslt available for UNIMARC to MARC conversion (https://github.com/edsd/biblio-metadata/blob/master/UNIMARC2MARC21.xsl) but it obviously needs a few changes to work with Koha.
- Greece Cataloging 3.22 "Please consider adding support for ISO-8859-7 encoding in Z39.50 searches (cataloguing/z3950_search.pl and elsewhere).
Info on the various Greek character sets can be found at http://www.dmst.aueb.gr/dds/sw/greek/grconv/grconv.txt and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-7 and http://www.ascii.ca/iso8859.7.htm
ISO-8859-7 is/was also defined as ELOT_928, ISO-IR-126, ISO-IR-227, ECMA-118, CP28597 and is quite close to CP1253, WINDOWS-1253.
Tests may be performed against the UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, GREECE target, at with db name ""UOA_Library"" (in UNIMARC). An ISBN that is known to appear in search results is 960-236-152-2."
Potamitisvekris Law Firm Library Greece Opac 3.22 1) Additional opac themes -> ""Material Design"" theme according to Google's guidelines.
2) Plugin Addition to the home page for recently acquired books -> A global solution for previewing recent acquisitions based on the responsive jQuery plugin Owl Carousel 2 (http://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/)
3) Zebra indexing -> Adjust the ""weight"" of the search results according to MARC21 fields (from System Preferences).
American Academy In Rome Italy Staff Client 3.22 4 On the item tab in the staff client, include a tab to checkout selected items to a patron. The current choices are "Holdings; Descriptions; Acquisitions Details; Images." The request is to add a tab for "Checkout" where one would either search patrons or enter a patron ID and check the item out to the patron.
Luleå University Of Technology Sweden
3.22 1: 4 1. Create possibility to maintain different types of user fees in Koha user account that are treated separately. For example allow staff to add a article copy fee without locking the user out from borrowing more books. 2. Make it possible for staff to make a staff only notation/remark in koha intranet on each loan. 2. See also AUTh request
Luleå University Of Technology Sweden Hold Requests 3.22 5 Investigate if it can be created a more flexible configuration of rules combinations for allowing reserves depending on item, patron code and sub library
Luleå University Of Technology Sweden Opac 3.22 It would be beneficial to add unique ID tags in all HTML elements in Koha Intrante/OPAC so that all aspects can be adjusted using jQuery.
Luleå University Of Technology Sweden Patrons 3.22 1 Make a patrons' debt status visibile on the Patron details view (cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl)
University Of The Arts London UK Notices 3.20 Additional Notices. Customisable blank notices that can be used for any purpose and additional ones set out like the overdue notices are currently.
University Of The Arts London UK Patrons 3.20 Partial waiving of fines - ability to select an amount to waive rather than having to select specific fines to waive. Allowing some to be waived now and the rest paid later.
University Of The Arts London UK Patrons 3.20 5 Status for claims returned that does not remove item from patron record and preferably also stops the patron being blocked.
University Of The Arts London UK Patrons 3.20 Leavers Functionality - identify patrons by their expiry date and send automatic notices to tell them their account is expiring and list items/fines. (leavers finishing University)
University Of The Arts London UK Tools 3.20 Interlibrary Loans widget to check catalogue for print items and prevent users requesting items already held by the library.

[Items in italics were submitted in paper after the enhancement wishlist form was closed]

Our host for Kohacon 2016 would be even Koha-ppier if we could look at some of their bugs.

== AUTh Bugs/Enhancement Wishlist == (in order of importance!)
BZ# Type Module Short Description
16534 Bug Circulation Error when checking out already checked out item (depending on AllowReturnToBranch)
16488 Rfe Z39.50 / SRU Servers UNIMARC to MARC21 xslt to be used in z39.50 import sources
16639 Rfe Circulation Split item data from description in Fines tab into separate columns
14907 Bug Searching Item search: Call Numbers in Item search results are ordered alphabetically
16485 Bug Searching collection column in Item search is always empty
15876 Bug Course reserves Removing a course-reserved item with no initial shelving location does not revert items.location to NULL
14908 Bug Searching Item search: Item search results not properly sorted by Date. Date filter also not working
16486 Rfe Circulation Display the TIME a fine was collected/written off
14911 Rfe Searching Serial Subscr. and Item search: Display additional 245 subfields in search results
16487 Rfe Cataloging Cataloging/Authority search: add link to number of times used
14913 Rfe Searching Item search: add limit by item type (books, serials, etc) taken from 008 Marc field
14897 Bug Cataloging Header name mismatch in ./modules/catalogue/detail.tt
14914 Rfe Circulation Circulation limits: show in greater detail which limit(s) were exceeded
14894 Rfe Label/patron card printing Labels: allow empty lines in PDF export

(the above list is available in BZas well)


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