One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .KohaCon11 Volunteers
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
A page to organize the volunteers efforts for organizing KohaCon11.
First meeting for everybody who would like to volunteer
The #koha IRC channel (IRC server
Tuesday 8th March 2011 at 14:00 UTC
Conversions to your local time:
- What needs to be done
- Who can do what
- Help needed in copy writing call for papers and also this page, KohaCon2011, and pages on the conference website
- Decide time and date of next volunteers meeting
Summary of meeting held on 8th march 2011
Meeting started by kmkale at 14:01:55 UTC
Meeting summary
1. 1. (slef, 14:02:16)
2. introductions (kmkale, 14:02:42) 3. What needs to be done (kmkale, 14:05:46) 1. (slef, 14:08:31) 2. => 1 hour for each speaker usually (paul_p, 14:19:00) 3. (slef, 14:21:51) 4. HELP: gmcharlt to draft call for papers (kmkale, 14:45:29) 5. ACTION: kmkale to give slef and gmcharlt admin rights on OCS (kmkale, 15:25:38) 6. ACTION: paul_p to send out hackfest discussion mail (kmkale, 15:25:59) 7. ACTION: gmcharlt to draft the call for presentatins (gmcharlt, 15:26:37) 8. ACTION: slef to create sponsor registration type post getting admin rights (kmkale, 15:27:16) 9. ACTION: next irc meeting of Kohacon11 volunteers on 8th April 2011 at 6.00UTC (kmkale, 15:38:29)
Meeting ended at 15:39:54 UTC (full logs).
Action items
1. kmkale to give slef and gmcharlt admin rights on OCS 2. paul_p to send out hackfest discussion mail 3. gmcharlt to draft the call for presentatins 4. slef to create sponsor registration type post getting admin rights 5. next irc meeting of Kohacon11 volunteers on 8th April 2011 at 6.00UTC
Action items, by person
1. gmcharlt 1. kmkale to give slef and gmcharlt admin rights on OCS 2. gmcharlt to draft the call for presentatins 2. kmkale 1. kmkale to give slef and gmcharlt admin rights on OCS 3. paul_p 1. paul_p to send out hackfest discussion mail 4. slef 1. kmkale to give slef and gmcharlt admin rights on OCS 2. slef to create sponsor registration type post getting admin rights
People present (lines said)
1. kmkale (146) 2. paul_p (66) 3. slef (58) 4. gmcharlt (27) 5. mtj (22) 6. huginn (4) 7. wahanui1 (2) 8. atz (2) 9. magnuse (1) 10. druthb (1)
Log of meeting held on 8th march 2011
irc meeting of Kohacon11 volunteers on 8th April 2011 at 6.00UTC
- Progress report
- Discuss how to handle reviewing of submitted papers / abstracts
- Discuss Hackfest days, duration, format etc.
- Any other topic of interest
Meeting 4th May 2011 14:00 UTC
- Paper Submission Process
- Identifying and approaching Keynote speaker
- Getting sponsors
Thanks to Bharat Grahak BibLibre Catalyst
We bounced to and fro with the agenda, so bear that in mind when reading the log.
Meeting 2 June 06:00 UTC
Progress report
Further discussion on Papers and Proposals: in especial fair treatment in an environment of friends
News on venues
Last Meeting : Wednesday June 29 6.00 UTC
1) We need to get an idea about who / how many are coming
2) We need more papers / presentations
2 a ) Since we don't have many papers and there are abstracts waiting to be reviewed for very long, I propose we abolish reviews and accept the abstracts and papers without any review system.
3) Start working on conference schedule as per papers / abstracts already submitted or committed that it will be done
3 a ) If some people would like to make a remote presentation I need to know what facilities will be required on our side
4) Need to know accommodation assistance required ( if at all )
5) Need more sponsors
Minutes (text):