Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Items endpoint RFC
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Actions and routes
The following table presents the current implementation, and the proposed changes.
Description | Action | Proposed |
List items | GET | /items |
Add an item | POST | /items |
Get an item | GET | /items/{item_id} |
Overwrite an item | PUT | /items/{item_id} |
Delete an item | DELETE | /items/{item_id} |
Partially update an item | PATCH | /items/{item_id} |
Object definition
DB schema | API | Proposed API | Description |
itemnumber | item_id | item_id | Internal item identifier |
biblionumber | biblio_id | biblio_id | Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record |
biblioitemnumber | REMOVED | REMOVED | No point exposing internal (useless) information |
barcode | barcode | external_id | The item's barcode |
dateaccessioned | acquisition_date | acquisition_date | Date the item was acquired |
booksellerid | acquisition_source | acquisition_source | Information about the acquisition source (it is not really a vendor id) |
homebranch | home_library | home_library_id | Internal library id for the library the item belongs to |
price | purchase_price | purchase_price | Purchase price |
replacementprice | replacement_price | replacement_price | Cost the library charges to replace the item (e.g. if lost) |
replacementpricedate | replacement_price_date | replacement_price_date | Date the replacement price is effective from |
datelastborrowed | last_checkout_date | last_checkout_date | Date the item was last checked out |
datelastseen | last_seen_date | last_seen_date | Date the item barcode was last scanned |
stack | REMOVED | REMOVED | Unused |
notforloan | notforloan | not_for_loan_status | |
damaged | damaged | damaged_status | |
damaged_on | damaged_on | damaged_date | |
itemlost | itemlost | lost_status | |
itemlost_on | itemlost_on | lost_date | |
withdrawn | withdrawn | withdrawn_date | |
withdrawn_on | withdrawn_on | withdrawn_date | |
itemcallnumber | itemcallnumber | callnumber | |
coded_location_qualifier | coded_location_qualifier | coded_location_qualifier | |
issues | issues | checkouts_count | |
renewals | renewals | renewals_count | |
reserves | reserves | holds_count | |
restricted | restricted | restricted_status | |
itemnotes | itemnotes | public_notes | |
itemnotes_nonpublic | itemnotes_nonpublic | internal_notes | |
holdingbranch | holdingbranch | holding_library_id | |
paidfor | REMOVED | REMOVED | |
timestamp | timestamp | timestamp | |
location | location | location | |
permanent_location | permanent_location | permanent_location | |
onloan | onloan | checked_out_date | |
cn_source | cn_source | call_number_source | |
cn_sort | cn_sort | call_number_sort | |
ccode | ccode | collection_code | |
materials | materials | materials_notes | |
uri | uri | uri | |
itype | itype | item_type | |
more_subfields_xml | more_subfields | extended_subfields | |
enumchron | enumchron | serial_issue_number | |
copynumber | copynumber | copy_number | |
stocknumber | stocknumber | inventory_number | |
new_status | new_status | new_status |
--Kfischer 11:34, 27 October 2018 (EDT) Some new comments :)
- external_id: This would work for me. Not all libraries are even using tags or labels... it's hard to find some very general term here.
- home_library_id/holding_library_id: I am not sure if holding is clear. Maybe: home_library_id and current_library_id?
- extended_subfield is an XML field, how would this look like in the API?
- serial_issue_number: This can also be a volume number or similar. Maybe serial_enumeration would be better (leaving the issue out).
--Kfischer 14:18, 26 August 2018 (EDT)
- barcode: In times of RFID, I wonder if this is not misleading Is there a better/common term that could be used instead?
- dateaccessioned: acquisition_date is better, wondering if date_added or creation_date could also be options.
- holdingbranch: holding_library to match home_library and terminology.
- notforloan: Maybe for_reference. Maybe another opinion on this one.
- itemlost, itemlost_in: lost, lost_on. We already know we are talking about items here.
- itemcallnumber: callnumber. Same.
- coded_location_qualifier: Same as with stack, we don't activley use it, but some libraries might store things in there.
- issues: checkouts or checkout_count
- reserves: Should definitely be something 'holds'. Maybe: holds_count. Might be unused Bug 12530
- itemnotes_nonpublic: internal_notes
- itemnotes: public_notes
- onloan: Maybe checked_out or even due_date?
- cn_source, cn_sort: maybe callnumber_source and callnumber_sort? Makes relation clearer.
- paidfor: Or paid_for? Is not very telling and we have argued it should be removed Bug 18818 (privacy issue)
- ccode: I think collection or collection_code would be better.
- materials: Maybe use materials_notes instead as its one of our notes fields.
- itype: Use item_type (see holds API)
- more_subfields_xml: Fixed the db column name above by adding _xml.
- copynumber: copy_number
- stocknumber: Displays as Inventory number in the GUI. Suggestion: inventory_number
- enumchron: we might be able to find something better? Description in Koha varies.