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For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .General IRC Meeting 2011-11-16
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Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Meetings > General IRC Meetings > General IRC Meetings 2011
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Contents |
The #koha IRC channel (IRC server irc.oftc.net).
16 November 2011 at 02:00 UTC+0
Conversions to your local time:
- Introductions (please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes)
- Announcements
- Update on Roadmap to 3.4
- Update on Roadmap to 3.6
- KohaCon2011
- KohaCon2012
- slef expects date and venue to be finalised on Monday.
- Probably 5-7 June 2012 for conference, 9-11 June for hackfest.
- 4 and 5 June are expected to be Bank Holidays in Scotland (Royal Jubilee) which will probably mean more food, drink and entertainment, but less transport, banking and large shops. Will that screw it up for anyone? It seemed more important to avoid clashing with ALA later in June.
- Probably 5-7 June 2012 for conference, 9-11 June for hackfest.
- Please use the wishlist page for ideas you'd like the team to bear in mind.
- At the moment, the team is just slef and mle, but we've had a few offers of help which we're starting to take up.
- slef expects to ask for most help with schedule design and talk reviews and at-the-conference help, but it'd be great to hear other suggestions of what else could be organised remotely.
- slef will be doing the fun task of reading the English and Scottish interpretations of the Bribery Act 2010 between meetings tomorrow, because one of his advisors thought it might affect how we do a crowdfunding sponsorship drive.
- The two top choices look like indiegogo (more public) and using the co-op's existing payment services (lower fees, especially for Single Euro Payments Area). Anyone thoughts on those or other suggested services?
- slef expects date and venue to be finalised on Monday.
- KohaCon2013
- When should we start asking for proposals? If we do it now, leave 2-3 months for getting the proposals in and 1 month for voting, whoever gets it will have ~1 year for planning, if they propose to hold it in the spring of 2013. that's assuming its northern hemisphere again
- Global bug squashing days
- Actions from General IRC Meeting, 5 October 2011
- Miscellaneous
- Set time of next meeting
- MJ Ray (occupied with other incompatible meetings)
- Magnus (sleeping)
- Katrin Fischer (sleeping)
- Chris Cormack
- Chris Nighswonger (medical issues)