Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Examples of DBIC in Koha
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Examples of DBIx::Class (aka DBIC) being used in Koha. Feel free to add more!
Contents |
Pushed to master
Where it all started
Bug 8798 - Add the use of DBIx::Class
Adds a new sub called effective_itemtype to Koha/Schema/Result/Item.pm
Tests in t/db_dependent/Items.t
A new "page" circ/renew.pl in the Intranet that only uses DBIC, not DBI.
Patron lists
Scripts in the patron_lists directory do not use DBIC, but the new module in Koha/List/Patron.pm does.
Tests in t/db_dependent/PatronLists.t.
This script was refactored to use DBIC by Bug 12265.
Smaller bugs that introduce usage of DBIC.
- Bug 6254 - can't set patron privacy by default
In progress
Bug 8007 - Discharge management
I (Jonathan) tried something on Bug 8007.
Bug 11084 - Delete biblios on Leader 05 =d
Uses DBIC to find the biblios that should be deleted.