Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Elasticsearch status

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Elasticsearch status

This page is really just a goal at an overview of where the Elasticsearch in Koha project stands. Anyone should feel free to edit or update

In general Elastic is functional in Koha - once setup and running you can search your catalog and access titles and indexes are updated as items/titles are added.

There are some differences/issues to be aware of, and in reality we need more users/testers to identify differences and so we can decide which are bugs and which should just be considered a feature of ES.

This page should be for the functionality, for installation/dependencies: Elasticsearch installation

Map to 18.05

Major bugs

Known issues

  • Sorting options work only if sorting is enabled in the mappings - we currently ship a standard list of sorting options- this should be based on the mappings
    • Bug 19481 - Pushed to 17.11
    • Bug 19482 - Elasticsearch - prevent removal / editing of required indexes - In Discussion
  • Autotruncate needs tuning
  • Authorities issues
    • Bug 19365 - link_bibs_to_authorities.pl doesn't work with Elasticsearch - Pushed to 19.05
    • Bug 19582 - Elasticsearch: Auth-finder.pl must use search_auth_compat - Pushed to 17.11
    • Bug 17373 - Elasticsearch - Authority mappings for UNIMARC - Pushed to 17.11
    • Bug 18825 - Elasticsearch - Update default authority mappings - Puhsed to 18.05
  • Default mappings must be set relatable to zebra
  • Search keywords in general search aren't processed
    • This maybe an advantage, 'not this' doesn't exclude the word 'this', this is a a change. These do work from the advanced search dropdown
  • Searching for non-roman characters '食'
  • Standardize return of records (sometimes we get MARC::Records and sometimes marcxml)
    • Bug 18822 - Advanced editor - Rancor - searching broken under Elasticsearch - Pushed to 17.11


  • Relevancy/weighting is different from Zebra - expected but should be customizable
  • Mapping configuration doesn't currently allow to add fields
  • Add ES config to about page
  • Elasticsearch based SRU server
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