Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
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For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Development IRC meeting 22 December 2021
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Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Meetings > Developers IRC Meetings > Developers IRC Meetings 2021
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Koha > Community > Participation > IRC Meetings
Contents |
The #koha IRC channel (IRC server irc.oftc.net).
If you don't have an IRC client you can join the meeting using your web browser.
- 22 December 2021, 15:00 UTC Time and Date.com converter for various local times
- Introductions (please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes)
- Announcements
- KohaCon22
- Deadline is 8 January 2022 and decision was to be made at General IRC meeting 12 January 2022, so far there are no KohaCon22 Proposals
- Suggestion 1: Extend deadline to mid-February
- Suggestion 2: If an online-only event is proposed, don't remove the continent from rotation for next year
- Update from the Release manager (22.05)
- Updates from the Release Maintainers
- Updates from the QA team
- Updates from the documentation team (David Nind)
- First documentation IRC meeting for quite some time held on 16 December 2021
- I'm reviewing bugs pushed for 22.05 each week and updating a spreadsheet for documentation changes required for 22.05 - see 29640. As part of this I will:
- add the Manual keyword to the bug if I think documentation changes are required, and
- add or update the release notes text where required
- When we have updated the documentation we will add a note to the bug saying: 1) Changes for this bug are now incorporated into the manual. 2) Here are the changes we have made (a link to the commit and section in the manual). 3. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. 4) Remove the Manual keyword from the bug, if it was used, and add the new keyword Manual-updated.
- Status of roadmap projects
- ES 6 EOL is soon : https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25439
- Actions from last meeting
- General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...)
- Review of coding guidelines
- Set time of next meeting
Please list your name here if you would like to attend but cannot make this meeting
- Will be travelling --Kfischer 03:17, 22 December 2021 (EST)
- Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2021/development_irc_meeting_22_december_2021.2021-12-22-15.01.html
- Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community.org/2021/development_irc_meeting_22_december_2021.2021-12-22-15.01.txt
- Log: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2021/development_irc_meeting_22_december_2021.2021-12-22-15.01.log.html