One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
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From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Please help to resolve the below-mentioned system information with Auto_incremental fine.
Data problems Some of your tables have problems with their auto_increment values which may lead to data loss.
You should not ignore this warning.
The problem is that InnoDB does not keep auto_increment across SQL server restarts (it is only set in memory). So on server startup the auto_increment values are set to max(
To know how to avoid this problem see the related wiki page: DBMS auto increment fix
Problems found Patrons The following ids exist in both tables borrowers and deletedborrowers:
670, 670, 758, 762, 941, 941, 941, 941
XML configuration file
Warning You are missing the <lockdir> entry in your koha-conf.xml file. Please add it, pointing to your Koha instance's lock dir.