Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Catalyst Academy 2018
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Contents |
Catalyst Academy 2018
5 students working on Koha
- Zoe Bennett
- Charlotte Cordwell
- Te Rauhina Jackson
- Jenny Way
- Grace Smyth
Bugs to work on
- Bug 17120 - Specify number of rows per page in report and initial run - MEDIUM
- Bug 9565 - Deleting a biblio should alert/fail if there are existent subscriptions - HARDISH
- Bug 2635 - Adding non-digit chars to cost fields in items causes data corruption - MEDIUM/HARDISH. Use Javascript
- Bug 9699 - Allow patrons to see notices sent to them in their OPAC account - HARD. Copy stuff from http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/members/notices.pl?borrowernumber=51
- Bug 10881 - Fast Add Framework has different item fields - MEDIUM
- Bug 6393 - ability to edit staged records - HARD
- Bug 2486 - Show user comments in staff client - HARD
Bug 15595 - Display Google Jacket image on staff client search list and detail page - HARDISH - Jenny -
Bug 19996 - use Modern::Perl in cataloguing perl scripts - EASY - Grace -
Bug 20019 - use Modern::Perl in miscellaneous perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 20009 - use Modern::Perl in Members perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 20022 - use Modern::Perl in t (test) perl scripts - EASY - Grace -
Bug 20016 - use Modern::Perl in svc scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 20018 - use Modern::Perl in offline circulation perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 20020 - use Modern::Perl in XT scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 16440 - Update report parameters - -MEDIUM - Jenny - gave up very hard -
Bug 19989 - opac-memberentry.pl has a FIXME that can be fixed - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19998 - use Modern::Perl in error perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 20010 - use Modern::Perl in Patroncards perl scripts - EASY - Grace -
Bug 19995 - use Modern::Perl in Catalogue perl scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 10943 - Impossible to manage fines without borrowers permission - EASYISH - Grace -
Bug 19991 - use Modern::Perl in OPAC scripts - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19992 - use Modern::Perl in Admin perl scripts - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 19892 - Replace numbersphr variable with Koha.Preference('OPACNumbersPreferPhrase') in OPAC - EASYISH - Charlotte -
Bug 19993 - use Modern::Perl in Acquisition perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19994 - use Modern::Perl in Authorities perl scripts - EASY - Grace -
Bug 19997 - use Modern::Perl in Circulation perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19999 - use Modern::Perl in Labels perl scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 20000 - use Modern::Perl in installer perl scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 20017 - use Modern::Perl in Tools perl scripts - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 19990 - opac/opac-discharge.pl has a FIXME that can be fixed - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 20011 - use Modern::Perl in plugins perl scripts - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 20012 - use Modern::Perl in Reports perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 20013 - use Modern::Perl in Reserves perl scripts - EASY - jenny -
Bug 20015 - use Modern::Perl in Serials perl scripts - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 19988 - Change 'sex' to 'gender' - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 17869 - Don't show pick-up library for holds in OPAC account when there is only one branch - MEDIUM - Grace -
Bug 15554 - Organize entries in ccl.properties - HARD - Grace - No longer a bug -
Bug 19986 - 'Server name' doesn't appear as required when creating new z39.50/sru server - EASY - Grace -
Bug 19856 - Improve styling of reports sidebar to match tools sidebar - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 19839 - invoice.pl warns about bad variable scope - EASY - Grace -
Bug 19833 - Kill the "biblios" - EASY, but a big job - Charlotte, Grace & Zoe -
Bug 19831 - Turn on EnhancedMessagingPreferences by default for new installations - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19827 - checkuniquemember is exported from C4::Members but has been removed - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19818 - Add id into tag html from moremember.tt - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19660 - Set borrower password on first login from self registration - HARDISH - Jenny -
Bug 19221 - Onboarding tool says user needs to be made superlibrarian - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 19179 - Email option for SMSSendDriver is not documented as a valid setting - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19987 - If no z39.50/SRU servers, the z39.50/SRU buttons should not show - EASYISH - Grace -
Bug 19188 - Self checkout: missing space if fine amount is blocking renewal - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 18878 - Improve item form display / labels too far from input fields - EASY - Grace -
Bug 18661 - Make "Replace only included patron attributes" default on patron import - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 18236 - Add classes to material type icons on result lists and detail pages - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 18083 - Don't show 'library' selection on popular titles page for single-branch libraries - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 17883 - Manage Patron Lists Permission incorrectly displaying hidden columns - MEDIUM - Grace - Couldn't reproduce -
Bug 17869 - Don't show pick-up library for holds in OPAC account when there is only one branch - EASY - Grace -
Bug 17765 - Hide 'Holds' link in staff result list when user has no permission to place holds - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 17682 - Change URL for Google Scholar in OPACSearchForTitleIn - EASYISH - Charlotte -
Bug 16427 - Direct link to authority records missing in staff detail view - MEDIUM - Te Rauhina
Bugs to sign off
- Bug 19877 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: UNIMARC editor plugins, part 6 - EASY
- Bug 19874 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: UNIMARC editor plugins, part 5 - EASY
- Bug 19868 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: UNIMARC editor plugins, part 2 - EASY
- Bug 19823 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: MARC21 editor plugins - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19786 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: Authorities, part 2 - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19878 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: UNIMARC editor plugins, part 7 - EASY
Bug 19946 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Authority Z39.50 search - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 19947 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Acquisitions transfer order - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19959 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Label creator - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19952 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: UNIMARC cataloging plugins - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 19641 - Move patron templates JavaScript to the footer - EASY, check all of the comments for test plans - Zoe -
Bug 19949 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Cataloging authority search - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19932 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Cataloging Z39.50 search - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19950 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Serials - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19954 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Patrons - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19960 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Add to list - EASY - Zoe -
Bug 19825 - List of pending offline operations does not links to biblio - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19743 - Header and Footer should be updated on each item for checkin / checkout / renewal notices - EASY - Te Rauhina -
Bug 19677 - Angle brackets in enumchron do not display in opac or staff side - EASY - Charlotte -
Bug 19585 - Inventory: Allow additional separators in a barcode file - EASY - Jenny -
Bug 19584 - Inventory: Trivial interface improvements - EASYISH - Grace -
Bug 16603 - When processing uploaded offline circulation file, "apply directly" option fails - EASY - Grace -
Bug 10032 - Uncertain prices hide 'close basket' without explanation - EASYISH - Charlotte -
Bug 6918 - can't place holds on 'on order' items with AllowOnShelfHolds off - EASYISH - Zoe -
Bug 20014 - When adding to basket from a staged file item budgets are selected my matching on code, not id - MEDIUM - Zoe
Patches to rescue
Bug 15283 - Switch default ISSUEQSLIP notice to Template Toolkit - EASYISH - Charlotte -
Bug 15284 - Switch default ISSUESLIP notice to Template Toolkit - EASYISH - Charlotte - Bug 15436 - Use semicolon between series name and volumne information - MEDIUM
- Bug 14647 - Make the file name extension dynamic on exporting records - MEDIUM
- Bug 15067 - Add additional languages to advanced search language search - MEDIUM
- Bug 7996 - Patron Modification Log Requires Parameters Permission - MEDIUM
- Bug 12302 - OPAC course details not displaying item status correctly for itemtypes that are not for loan - MEDIUM
Day 1
- Create a bugs account https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/
- Create a Github account https://github.com/
- Install Kohadevbox https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox
- Start playing with patches!
- Signoffs
- Bug 19825 - List of pending offline operations does not links to biblio - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19743 - Header and Footer should be updated on each item for checkin / checkout / renewal notices - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19677 - Angle brackets in enumchron do not display in opac or staff side - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19585 - Inventory: Allow additional separators in a barcode file - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 19584 - Inventory: Trivial interface improvements - EASYISH - Grace
- Bug 16603 - When processing uploaded offline circulation file, "apply directly" option fails - EASY - Grace
- Bug 10032 - Uncertain prices hide 'close basket' without explanation - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 6918 - can't place holds on 'on order' items with AllowOnShelfHolds off - EASYISH - Zoe
- Writing patches
- Bug 19831 - Turn on EnhancedMessagingPreferences by default for new installations - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19179 - Email option for SMSSendDriver is not documented as a valid setting - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19856 - Improve styling of reports sidebar to match tools sidebar - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 18878 - Improve item form display / labels too far from input fields - EASY - Grace
- Bug 18083 - Don't show 'library' selection on popular titles page for single-branch libraries - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 17869 - Don't show pick-up library for holds in OPAC account when there is only one branch - EASY - Grace
- Bug 19818 - Add id into tag html from moremember.tt - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19179 - Email option for SMSSendDriver is not documented as a valid setting - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 17682 - Change URL for Google Scholar in OPACSearchForTitleIn - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 18083 - Don't show 'library' selection on popular titles page for single-branch libraries - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19839 - invoice.pl warns about bad variable scope - EASY - Grace
- Bug 17682 - Change URL for Google Scholar in OPACSearchForTitleIn - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 17869 - Don't show pick-up library for holds in OPAC account when there is only one branch - MEDIUM - Grace
- Signoffs
Day 2
- Continued from Day 1
- Congrats to Charlotte and Grace who wrote patches that have Passed QA!
- Charlotte
- Writing patches
- Bug 18236 - Add classes to material type icons on result lists and detail pages - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 18661 - Make "Replace only included patron attributes" default on patron import - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 17765 - Hide 'Holds' link in staff result list when user has no permission to place holds - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 17883 - Manage Patron Lists Permission incorrectly displaying hidden columns - MEDIUM - Grace
- Bug 19221 - Onboarding tool says user needs to be made superlibrarian - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19833 - Kill the "biblios" - EASY, but a big job - Charlotte, Grace & Zoe
- Bug 19188 - Self checkout: missing space if fine amount is blocking renewal - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 16427 - Direct link to authority records missing in staff detail view - MEDIUM - Te Rauhina
- Bug 15554 - Organize entries in ccl.properties - HARD - Grace
- Bug 10943 - Impossible to manage fines without borrowers permission - EASYISH - Grace
- Bug 19221 - Onboarding tool says user needs to be made superlibrarian - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 15284 - Switch default ISSUESLIP notice to Template Toolkit - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 19988 - Change 'sex' to 'gender' - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19660 - Set borrower password on first login from self registration - HARDISH - Jenny
Day 3
- Continued from Day 2
- Everyone now has one patch that has Passed QA!
- Patches that have Failed QA and need rescuing
- Bug 19818 - Add id into tag html from moremember.tt - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 17765 - Hide 'Holds' link in staff result list when user has no permission to place holds - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19856 - Improve styling of reports sidebar to match tools sidebar - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 18236 - Add classes to material type icons on result lists and detail pages - EASY - Jenny
- Testing patches
- Writing patches
- Bug 16427 - Direct link to authority records missing in staff detail view - MEDIUM - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19991 - use Modern::Perl in OPAC scripts - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19986 - 'Server name' doesn't appear as required when creating new z39.50/sru server - EASY - Grace
- Bug 15283 - Switch default ISSUEQSLIP notice to Template Toolkit - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 19992 - use Modern::Perl in Admin perl scripts - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 20000 - use Modern::Perl in installer perl scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19999 - use Modern::Perl in Labels perl scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19827 - checkuniquemember is exported from C4::Members but has been removed - EASY Zoe
- Bug 19993 - use Modern::Perl in Acquisition perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 20013 - use Modern::Perl in Reserves perl scripts - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 19995 - use Modern::Perl in Catalogue perl scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 20015 - use Modern::Perl in Serials perl scripts - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 19892 - Replace numbersphr variable with Koha.Preference('OPACNumbersPreferPhrase') in OPAC - EASYISH - Charlotte
- Bug 19987 - If no z39.50/SRU servers, the z39.50/SRU buttons should not show - EASYISH - Grace
- Bug 19994 - use Modern::Perl in Authorities perl scripts - EASY - Grace
- Bug 19997 - use Modern::Perl in Circulation perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 20017 - use Modern::Perl in Tools perl scripts - EASY - Jenny
- Bug 20011 - use Modern::Perl in plugins perl scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 20012 - use Modern::Perl in Reports perl scripts - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19998 - use Modern::Perl in error perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19996 - use Modern::Perl in cataloguing perl scripts - EASY - Grace
- Bug 20016 - use Modern::Perl in svc scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 20018 - use Modern::Perl in offline circulation perl scripts - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 20020 - use Modern::Perl in XT scripts - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 20019 - use Modern::Perl in miscellaneous perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 20009 - use Modern::Perl in Members perl scripts - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 20010 - use Modern::Perl in Patroncards perl scripts - EASY - Grace
Day 4
- Give your bank forms to Ian!
- Continued from Day 3
- Writing patches
- Testing patches
- Bug 19959 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Label creator - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19946 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Authority Z39.50 search - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19949 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Cataloging authority search - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19932 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Cataloging Z39.50 search - EASY - Zoe
- Bug 19952 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: UNIMARC cataloging plugins - EASY - Te Rauhina
- Bug 19947 - Update popup window templates to use Bootstrap grid: Acquisitions transfer order - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19641 - Move patron templates JavaScript to the footer - EASY, check all of the comments for test plans - Zoe
- Bug 19823 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: MARC21 editor plugins - EASY - Charlotte
- Bug 19786 - Move template JavaScript to the footer: Authorities, part 2 - EASY - Zoe
- Pizza
- Capture the Flag
- Presentation time