Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
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From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
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The staff client templates include attributes which make it possible to use CSS to customize its appearance. Each page in the staff client has a unique "id" attribute in the <body> tag:
<body id="circ_circulation">
...and a class which is specific to the "module" in the staff client:
<body id="circ_circulation" class="circ">
This makes it possible to add CSS to the intranetusercss system preference to style each section of the staff client with its own color scheme (for instance):
/* Circulation */ body.circ #header, body.circ #breadcrumbs { background-color: #8189D1; border-bottom: 1px solid #484E82; } body.circ #header a, body.circ #breadcrumbs a { color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; } body.circ #header, body.circ #breadcrumbs { color : #DDDDDD; } body.circ #moremenu a { color : #8189D1; }
Module | Class |
Acquisitions | acq |
Admnistration | admin |
Authorities | auth |
Catalog | catalog |
Cart | cart |
Cataloging | cat |
Circulation | circ |
Errors | err |
Lists | lists |
Patrons | pat |
Reports | rep |
Serials | ser |
Tools | tools |
Labels* | tools labels |
Patron cards | tool pcard |
Rolling collections | rcoll |
* Tools sub-pages which consist of more than one page include two classes for added flexibility. Tools pages which consist of only one page have only the "tools" class but can be uniquely styled using their <body> ID.