Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Biblibre circ rules testing
From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres
Home > Wiki > MediaWiki > MediaWiki websites > Wikipedia.org website > Wikipedia administration > Wikipedia maintenance > Wikipedia cleanup
Rules testing
- certify rules are created and saved correctly
- certify that circulation periods are computed correctly
- certify that fines are calculated correctly
- certify that holds rules are applied correctly to items
- certify that renewals are completed and restricted properly
- certify that rental charges are applied correctly
- certify that rules can be deleted and no longer apply
Database Consistency Checks
- certify that rules are migrated correctly from older versions - document proper upgrade procedure or fail QA if not.
- certify all database changes are added to kohastructure for new installations
- certify all database changes are applied correctly updating from existing installation
- certify transformation for existing issuingrules are done correctly
System Preference knobs to twiddle (test with it both ways)
- Independent branches on or off
- CircControl
- Homeorholdingbranch
- homeorholdingbranchreturn
- issuinginprocess
- renewalperiodbase
- ReservesControlBranch*
- consistent use of elements (pull down list, checkboxes, look&feel compared to other parts of Koha)
- consistent use of 'Koha vocabulary' (reserves vs. holds, AE/BE, typos)
Documentation (test plan for http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5872) http://drupal.biblibre.com/