Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Batch Modification Biblio Record Level

From Koha Test Wiki MediaWiki Postgres

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Koha > Technical > Development > RFCs > Koha components for RFCs > Library System Modules RFCs > Cataloguing RFCs
Koha > Technical > Development > RFCs > RFC Status > Submitted RFC

Batch Modification Biblio Record Level

Status: unknown
Sponsored by: Nîmes
Developed by: BibLibre
Expected for: 2011-01-01
Bug number: Bug 5574
Work in progress repository: No URL given.
Description: New feature that will allow librarians to create/modify or delete fields/subfields from a list of bibliographic records.

The operation will generate a report with the list of modified records.

The batch deletion of bibliographic records will be possible through another graphical interface. Every records without items will be deleted right away. Records with items will be listed at the end of the processing.

2 more things :

  • we need patron permissions for access to this tool
  • there needs to be a check of the database tables to be sure you're not deleting bibs with holds/issues/fines on them.
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